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Lead Agencies for designated Local NatureReserves

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:16 pm
by Perseus

This is the reply I received from Natural England.

Discussion at: ... essage/517

Andy Horton

----- Original Message -----
From: Lucy.Heath@...
Cc: glaucus@... ; rosy.key@...
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [countrysidemanagement] Lead Agencies for designated Local


I forwarded your query to our LNA specialist, Rosey Key and she has sent
back the following response which is helpful I hope:

Local Authorities must consult Natural England on the selection and
declaration of a LNR. The declaration package should include a
management plan or a summary management plan and Natural England is
normally consulted on the management plan. The day to day management of
the LNR does not need consultation with Natural England unless it is an

When updating/reviewing management plans Natural England is happy to
comment and help in the process and can help local authorities write
management policies and prescriptions.

With shortages of resources local authorities do not have to manage the
sites themselves but could have management agreements with other bodies
who have relevant experience to manage them for them, for example
Wildlife Trusts. Surveys for baseline information or monitoring can be
done with the help of a variety of other organisations including Natural
England, Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, local bird groups, local butterfly and
invertebrate groups, mammal groups, interested volunteers etc.

If resources are low volunteers, including BTCV, are a good way of
doing management and engaging the local community at the same time.

It is good to involve people from a variety of backgrounds in
management groups. Management plans are normally 5 year plans, though
some are longer therefore surveys for these plans do not have to be done
yearly and gives Groups time to plan what information/resources they
need for updating management plans. It also gives time for encouraging
and training people/volunteers in the necessary skills.

Local Nature Reserves are a very disparate group of reserves ranging
from 0.1 to over 848 ha in size with a wide variety of habitats as well
as being urban/urban fringe or rural in type and therefore serving
different needs. These, along with the various objectives for LNRs for
wildlife, recreation, educational etc make it difficult to set standards
for them for management. In 1994 English Nature produced a booklet on
"Managing LNRs" but this is out of print and out of date (and no
electronic version) that was useful in managing LNRs. It may be that we
need to do an updated version of this if there was sufficient demand for

More LNRs are being put forward for Green Flag Awards and similar which
set standards for some facilities and care of sites but these are not
suitable for many LNRs particularly those which tend to be wilder in
nature or need more sensitive management for certain species.

I know that LNRs will be included in the review of designated sites
with a view to sorting out a strategy for designated sites (to be done
by Steve Warman) which may lead on to standards for LNRs. It is too
early yet for details on what this review and strategy will cover as it
won't be started before the end of summer and I will be talking to
Steve Warman about it in due course.

I hope this helps and is useful.




Rosy Key
Local Nature Reserves Specialist
Social and Economic Evidence Team
Science and Evidence
Natural England
Tel. 01733 455049
Fax. 01733 568834

email rosy.key@...

Lucy Heath
Senior Specialist - Greenspace, Recreation and Access
Health and Recreation Policy
Natural England
John Dower House
Crescent Place
GL50 3RA
Tel: 01242 533279
Mobile: 07900 608285
Please note that Friday is my non-working day

Natural England is here to conserve and enhance the natural environment for
its intrinsic value, the wellbeing and enjoyment of people and the economic
prosperity that it brings.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:07 pm
by Bryan H
Hi Andy,

Unfortunately, your first link just takes me to a log-in screen for Yahoo Groups?


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:34 pm
by Perseus
Bryan H wrote:Hi Andy,

Unfortunately, your first link just takes me to a log-in screen for Yahoo Groups?

Can I assume you are not a YahooGroups member?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:55 pm
by Pete Eeles
I am a member, but you need to sign up to the group "uk-grazing", which I don't want to do :)


- Pete

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:08 pm
by Perseus
Pete Eeles wrote:I am a member, but you need to sign up to the group "uk-grazing", which I don't want to do :)


- Pete
It is possible to join and opt out of receiving the Emails.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:22 pm
by Pete Eeles
Not sure.

I think it would be easier if you just copied the original message into this forum :)


- Pete

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:53 pm
by Perseus
Pete Eeles wrote:Not sure.

I think it would be easier if you just copied the original message into this forum :)


- Pete
I did, but there is a discussion relating to it.