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two blues

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:26 pm
by Jon Stagg
Two blues feeding on plum blossom in my garden in Morecambe today. I'm no expert and looking at the guide books would suggest they look like Silver studded blues, but presumably timing and location would mean almost certainly that they're Common blue?
They were about 30mm across, pale blue, no obvious markings on the upper wing surfaces (they kept wings closed when resting so impossible to see properly), underwings were blue with no trace of brown, peripheral ring of orange dots each with black/dark eye. No other underwing markings visible - no black dots or ribs. Very flighty - would settle for perhaps 30 seconds before flying off into a local conifer and return several minutes later. I'd appreciate any comments on identification

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:18 am
by Pete Eeles
These are almost certainly Holly Blue, Jon. See ... lly%20Blue.


- Pete

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:28 pm
by Jon Stagg
Thanks for that Pete - one query though
I thought Holly Blues didn't have orange dots on the underwing? These definately did. Or have I misunderstood something?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:08 pm
by Pete Eeles
That'll teach me to read the description more thoroughly next time :)

To be honest, I'm at a loss. At the time of year Holly Blues are only just emerging and Common Blues won't appear for another few weeks, and Silver-Studded Blue not until June!

Any others got any ideas?


- Pete