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The 2008 season

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:55 pm
by Dave McCormick
Just wondering what you guys are planning to do in 2008? For me, I want to do a few things:

Finally get a decent shot of a DG Fritillary, get more arty shots as most of the ones I got this year are more intended on getting the shot and that was it.

I want to try and see what species are found round my area, so far I have seen:

Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Speckled Wood, Orange-Tip, Holly Blue, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Common Blue, Red Admiral, Clouded Yellow (in good years), Large White, GV White, Small White, Six-Spot Burnet moths, Silver Y Moths (in 2006 I found hundreds), Small Coppers (not many, but a few in various places)

Also planning to check out the various moth life in my area as I am so close to various forests. I have seen:

Garden Carpet, Reddish brown form of Satellite moth, Elephant Hawk and Narrow Boarderd Bee and Hummingbird Hawkmoths, White and buff ermines, silver ground carpet moths everywhere and more, just got to keep looking.

Just got to look around in the various places and see what turns up. I also want to get a good (or more) shots of a Small Heath as I only have 2 shots so far. Also looking for better shots of Common blues and more of small coppers. If summer 2008 is good, maybe I may see the clouded yellow we get that migrate. First saw in 2006, but do to weather conditions, none this year, hoping its better next year.

Well, thats me in my free time, out and about.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:23 pm
by Paul
I should think you'll have to start getting photos of all of those species again once you get that new camera! hope you decided what it will be!

For me next year hopefully involves a return trip to France, (not planned yet), more trips to Lake District Mountain Ringlet sites, LH on NY Moors, SSB sites, maybe Collard Hill, (LB.. that one is a "must" pilgrimage when you get the chance).
... also PE/ WA, maybe Fermyn Wood now I know where it is, and who knows what else. No matter what photos you have, there's always a better one to get!

May even meet some of the others who log in here.... who knows.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:21 am
by Chris
For me, I hope to:

1) Start to record all the butterflies, birds, dragonflies, flowers, etc (the list will expand over time) in my local 10km square. I ordered a map of my house from the Ordnance Survey website in 1:25000 scale. It's perhaps a bit geeky, but I'd like to annotate it with a complete survey! and maybe start a website again, with that sole purpose.

2) Visit the south coast. There are still half a dozen butterflies I have yet to see that are 'common' south of the M4.

3) Spend time in Corsica and Sicily, where I have family, looking for butterflies. Everytime I go i get dragged about by my sister's mental agenda and never get to see the islands.

4) Save up for the 300mm f2.8 IS lens that I've been longing for!!

5) Get married!

(not necessarily in that order!)*

Regards, Chris

*caviat in case Cath reads this.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:58 pm
by Gruditch
Next season we intend to photograph the Wood White, Heath Frit, High Brown Frit and Large blue, which will all be new species for us. We also will be doing a transect walk of our most local site, for the Hampshire and IOW wild life trust.


Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:20 pm
by DaveW
Do all the things I intended doing last year which I never managed. eg getting decent pictures of a female orange tip. Try and improve on my once per year viewing of a painted lady. The ironic thing this year it was sitting on the pavement soaking up the sunshine a couple of yards in front of me! Do a bit of research into the ssp of the Meadow brown. I hardly saw a single meadow brown this year, partly due to severe flooding, a couple of cracked ribs and the first two weeks in August with the parents.

I might start taking a tripod around with me and perhaps use the video mode on the camera more often.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:44 pm
by LCPete
Hi I,m trying to see and photograph each of the species in our area(North Wales) Its easy for me to decide what to look for as I only started chasing after butterflies this Summer. So have lots to see yet.
I would love to get a nice shot of a Fritillary any one :D
I missed them this year.
I will try to get a better shot of a Grizzled Skipper. They are not common in North wales but I did find a couple.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:59 pm
by markhows
I would like to finish my UK list of resident species, Both Wood Whites, Mountain Ringlet, Pearl Bordered Frit, Northern Brown Argus and Silver spotted Skipper and get better views of Large Heath. I need a photo of Purple emperor as well.

I should also do some local surveying work.

That should keep me busy in 2008