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October 2007 Votes

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:58 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi folks. This thread is here to allow you to cast your votes for the October 2007 competition (see entries at ... php?t=1708). You need to be registered and logged into the forums, where you'll be able to cast your vote for first place. Once you've voted, that's it!

Also - you won't see the current voting until you have voted!!!

This poll will run for 15 days.

So ... vote away!


- Pete

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:35 pm
by Pete Eeles
Well, that was a pretty close competition! The winners are:

1st eccles
=2nd Trev Sawyer
=2nd TW
4th Mike Young
=5th padfield
=5th Dave Mac
=5th Chris
=5th rogerdodge

Well done all!


- Pete

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:00 am
by Pete Eeles
And now for some feedback ...

Mike Young - excellent behaviour shot. Shame the male Brimstone isn't "frozen". Then again, I guess this does give a sense of movement!

Dave McCormick - Nice shot, shame the head, which is the one item that really shouldn't be "cut", is partially hidden behind a wing.

Denise - Certainly interesting behaviour. I guess we all know Commas as being camouflaged against dead leaves or bark, so the "camouflage" angle may not be as convincing! But taking up salts is definitely interesting!

padfield - love it. Save it for the "comedy" theme that I'm convinced we'll need at some point!

Matsukaze - Excellent behaviour shot. Shame the pair are so worn.

alex mclennan - Certainly interesting behaviour! Unfortunately, I guess this doesn't make the most colourful of pics!

Dave Mac - excellent shot. Another future category could well be "caption competition".

m_galathea - nice shot, although the behaviour isn't that obvious (as you explained!).

Paul Kipling - a good behaviour shot. I guess the surroundings don't help with the aesthetics.

V6GTO - very surprised this didn't get more votes. One of the best close-ups I've seen.

sahikmet - another nice shot, although it seems slightly out of focus. I also think that the cropped flower, and the awkward angle of the Large Skipper didn't help. at least you got the shot though!

eccles - disgusting shot :) that is techically excellent! Well done!

Charles Nicol - Certainly a creative entry! Although I thought it was difficult to determine what the behaviour being demonstrated actually was until I read your explanation!

Ian Pratt - nice shot. Although I get the impression that the voting public don't consider "nectaring" as particularly interesting behaviour. Then again, I'm not sure what criteria folks would have applied!

Chris - another interesting shot! Again, possibly insufficient "behaviour" being demonstrated to attract votes.

Rogerdodge - I take it all back - I don't think folks did pay that much attention to behaviour since this photo isn't anything special on the bahaviour front! But a lovely composition!

Simon C - Interesting shot - although I personally dislike pictures of butterflies on fingers or anything else that is "unnatural" :) Dog poo excepted.

Gruditch - Nice shot - but the behaviour is a bit contrived :) Definitely one for the caption competition :)

Nick B - interesting shot and good composition!

Dave W - I hate growing old :) I'm not sure how to classify this - but it wouldn't be "behaviour" :)

Gwenhwyfar - Very interesting shot - given this is in the UK! Was it a labrador? :)

55bloke - A rare sight of Small Heath - shame it's so out of focus. A faster shutter speed would help - if you have that luxury!

Trev Sawyer - excellent shot!

Sue Wright - very unusual shot indeed! I'll have to steal this for the ID section :)

TW - loved it. A real shame about that grass blade in front of the critter! But I loved the backlighting.


- Pete

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:36 pm
by Denise
Congratulations Eccles on winning this months comp. An excellent shot if somewhat graphic for my taste, but a brilliant shot all the same. :)

Trev Sawyer, beautiful shot and TW, clever shot deserve to be in the top spots too.

Mike Young as always with an outstanding shot.

I voted for Dave Mac who's shot was pin sharp and very unusual, brilliant.

Rogerdodge's Red Admiral was stunning and quite arty, very nice.

Simon C's pic was fab, but I prefer natural surroundings.

Gwenhwyfar, the dog poo in your shot must be very posh. All I get around here on poo are flies. Non the less a good entry.

55bloke. I thought that your entry was good and I am a little envious as I have never seen Small Heath....yet.

Sue Wright. I thought that your shot of an open winged Clouded Yellow was superb. This is a sight that I have never seen. You definitely deserved votes. :)

Well done to everyone who took part.

I would like to say a huge thanks to the person that voted for me. I didn't expect it but it was more than welcome, and thank you Pete for your kind comments.


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:03 pm
by Dave Mac
Congrats to the winner (note to myself "must try harder")

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:25 pm
by Rogerdodge
Yippeeee - a top 5 spot at last.
Message to self-
Must try harder next year!

Roger Harding

p.s. To those two kind souls with exquisite taste - thanks for the votes - you have made me very happy!

pps In my opiion I was good enough to come about 8th - but who am I to argue?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:15 am
by Trev Sawyer
Woo-hoo!!! I'm over the moon with joint second spot. :D I too particularly liked Eccles and TW's shot. The demise of the fritillary was amazing and I am a sucker for those "backlit through the wings" shots of light-coloured butterflies. Plenty of other good shots too as usual and I also really liked Charles's snap of the skipper warming up his/her(?) engines before take off. A good "behavioural" shot.


Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:26 pm
by Chris
Great shot Eccles... well done to everybody else, too! & thanks to the two folk that voted for mine. I thought I'd been a bit cheeky because, as Pete rightly pointed out, there really wasn't much behaviour involved!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:36 pm
by eccles
Thanks for the nice words all. It's a real buzz to do well amongst such great photographers.
I voted for Trev's glanville frits that I thought were beautiful. Dave McCormick is probably going to kick himself when he learns that I would have voted for his emerging larva from the egg as I'd never seen that before, but he substituted the common blue. That shot was nice though.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:47 pm
by Denise
eccles wrote: Dave McCormick is probably going to kick himself when he learns that I would have voted for his emerging larva from the egg
Me too. I thought that was brilliant. Not too late Dave to change Novembers entry! :wink:


Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:41 am
by Gwenhwyfar
Gwenhwyfar, the dog poo in your shot must be very posh. All I get around here on poo are flies. Non the less a good entry.
There are some posh people in and around the Stockbridge area, so I guess they are too posh to pick up after their darling pooch - ignorant more like it, but the butterflies don’t mind.
Denise, don’t forget to give us a shout if you ever make it down this way.

Well done all.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:17 am
by Chris
eccles wrote:Dave McCormick is probably going to kick himself when he learns that I would have voted for his emerging larva from the egg
Me too!!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:22 pm
by Dave McCormick
Well guys, maybe I should have kept that, maybe I will change my entry for November. Well:

Mike Young = Nice shot of the brimstone, pritty intresting, looks as if the male is "frozen"

Denise = Nice comma, not everyday you see one taking up salts in UK

padfield = strange pic, derinatly different

alex mclennan = intresting shot, I have yet to see this behaviour

Dave Mac = nice, er.. Leaf! Well the fly thought so anyway, great shot.

eccles = This is a great shot, not everyday you see something like that, and to get as close and get the detail you did, great.

Charles Nicol = found this quite intresting when I saw it, well, I like skippers anyway.

Chris = your shot with the two proboscus, I think I have seen this once or twice, intresting anyway.

Gwenhwyfar = great shot of the blues there, I have not see that many in one area yet, still, keep looking and who knows.

Sue Wright = I kind of liked this one, rare you see a clouded yellow upperside, good getting that shot.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:52 am
by Padfield
I really enjoyed browsing these photos because they all told a story. For the record, I voted for Nick B's shot of brimstones. What the picture lacked in technical brilliance it made up for in spontaneity and joie de vivre. In the spring and summer I carry a camera at all times just to catch moments like that!

The winning shots were, as ever, spectacular.


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:48 pm
by Charles Nicol
thanks for your kind comments on my vibrating skipper ( ooer matron )

i enjoyed the other pics too... the dragonflies look very menacing in something from Dan Dare !!

i am reduced to taking pictures of squirrels now ...can't wait for spring 8)

a big thank to the person who voted for me... i was really chuffed
