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ID Butterfly in Lanzarote

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:50 am
by Peewit
Hi there

I wonder if anyone could help me here

I was on holiday in Lanzarote last week. I saw a very small bluish/Brown butterfly with buff speckled under wings. I thought of an African Grass Blue or a Common Blue. Am I on the right track here.

This butterfly is hardly more than the size of my thumbnail. It was tiny, and seemed to like all of the local plants in the garden areas.

I saw another one which was biege/buff and just as small. Are they they the same species.

Any ideas anyone. They where in abundance everywhere in the holiday complex we stayed at.

Sorry, I do not have a picture to share here.



Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:50 pm
by JKT
You probably are. According to some source I have forgotten, the only blues on Lanzarote are Zizeeria knyssna and Polyommatus icarus with possibly Lampides boeticus. The information could be outdated, but your assumptions seem quite likely.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:02 pm
by Peewit
Thank for your help JKT

No an easy one without a photo
