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Aston Rowant & Whitecross Green Wood

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:10 pm
by George
We had a fantastic day out yesterday (decided to take the day off work as it was forecast to be a nice day) firstly at Aston Rowant and in the afternoon at Whitecross Green.

I have never seen Silver Spotted Skippers or Chalkhill Blues before - we don't get anything as exotic up here in Derbyshire! On arrival at 9:30 it was quite cool with not much flying but just as I said it was time to move to a different area we saw our first SS Skipper followed by about 20 Chalkhill Blues. In the next hour the place seemed full of butterflies - in total we saw about 10 SS Skippers, about 25 Chalkhill Blues, countless Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers and a Small Heath and Brown Argus.

Then on to Whitecross Green where we saw 2 Brown Hairstreaks, Small Copper, Peacock, Comma and numerous whites and finally as we were about to leave a beautiful Brimstone.

Some pictures follow:









All in all a very satisfying day!!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:38 am
by Dave Mac
Would you mind saying where on the reserve you saw the silver spotted skippers? I'm going to visit the site in the near future and hope to get a few pics.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:49 am
by Dave Mac
I made my first trip ever to Aston Rowant yesterday afternoon and it did everything it said on the can. Here are a few pictures:




Thanks for looking..............Dave

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:27 pm
by George
Nice pics Dave - glad you had a good day.