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new lens/flash gun

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:40 pm
by robert 14
hi, i own a canon eos 400d, 18-55mm lens and 70-300mm lens. i also have extension tubes and a 2x teleconverter.

i am considering getting either a flash gun or a 100mm macro lens.

which is most usefull and have you got any good suggestions as to which models are good :?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:37 pm
by Dave Mac
I have a 400D and a 300mm IS zoom lens plus a 100 macro and a canon 430 EX flash gun so it should be easy for me to advise. However it depends on what you intend to use them for. I like to take pictures of butterflies and dragonflies using natural light whenever possible but when I'm trying to take 1:1 snaps with the macro lens (small insects or parts of insects) and I want to use a high F number to get maximum DOF then the flash comes into its own although it works best if defused.
Hope this helps

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:41 pm
by Rogerdodge
it works best if defused.
You wouldn't want it going off unexpectedly would you? :wink:

Seriously - give serious thought to the 150mm Sigma lens - see many previous posts on this forum.
As far as flash is concerned, with a shortish lens, the on-camera flash will be useful (it works even with a 180mm lens on a 30D, but I think the flash sticks up a bit higher on this).
I have the amazing MT-24 EX Twin Flash - but I find it hard to justify the cost! Cheaper ring flashes are available, but give a wierd flat lighting.
As for extension tubes - the shorter the lens, the greater the effect.
Lots of decisions to make here - it's one of the things that makes photography such fun - deciding on kit.
Good luck.
Roger Harding

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:40 pm
by Gruditch
Ditto on the Sigma 150mm Macro 2.8.


Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:16 pm
by robert 14
i think i'll go for a flash gun, because i do a lot of photography at 2-8x manification.( i use a lens bought for £2 and a reversing ring, £7 from hong kong.)

i can't afford an expensive flash gun, im a 14 year old professional photographer who sells cards and postcards to local shops @ £1.20 each.

my list is as follows: Metz 36AF-C
Sunpak PZ42X
Jessops 300AFD
Sigma EF-500 DG ST

any suggestions as to which is best.