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5th August - Arnside knott & Warton crag

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:48 am
by nick patel
Yesterday in Lancashire, it was perfect weather for Butterflies, so decided to go to Arnside knott & Warton crag - i was not disappointed!

Arnside knott: 50+ Scotch argus (probably much more than this, but they were definitely the Butterfly in the biggest numbers there),
20+ Meadow brown, 10+ Large white, 5+ Small white, Small tortoiseshell, 2 Peacock, 2 Very faded High brown fritillary, 10+ Speckled wood, 5+ Gatekeeper, Small heath.
We also found a Deadly nightshade growing, 1 Red deer, lots of Common darters, 2 Marsh tit and some flowering Dog violets.

At one part of Arnside where there was plenty of Ragwort - so went to check out the Scotch argus' on them, we found a huge line of Wood ants patrolling the area - they were everywhere! We then found their ant hill (massive), and realised why there were so many in one place.

Next was Warton crag: 2 Brimstone - both Male and very fresh, 10+ Large white, 10+ Small white, Green-veined white, 2+ Small copper, Holly blue, 2+ Small tortoiseshell, 2 Peacock, Comma, 1 Very faded High brown fritillary,
1 SILVER WASHED FRITILLARY (see picture)- we did not expect to find an adult male feeding in the Warton crag area! Is this a pretty good record for Warton crag? I haven't seen anywhere that says they are around this area - any comments?,
5+ Speckled wood, 1 Wall brown basking, 10+ Meadow brown.

Also at Warton crag, i found 2 Common lizards: the 1st one, was a brief glimpse of a body and tail run down the side of a rock, but the 2nd viewing was incredible, less than 1 meter away, and letting us get up to 20cm close - it didn't run away and let us get pics of it (see pics), and it only moved when it saw it's next meal, it was in perfect condition, and this was my first proper viewing of a Reptile in the UK.

And 2 Migrant hawkers were also at Warton crag.





Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:29 am
by David Tipping
Hi Nick,
There are a few silver-washed dotted around the Morecambe Bay area as I discovered last year, when I found a very fresh female nectaring on hemp agrimony at Gait Barrows. Also a few have been spotted at Whitbarrow this year, according to recent threads on the species forum. Still an excellent find though.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:53 am
by nick patel
Thanks David,
I have read about Silver-washed fritillaries being at Whitbarrow, but i haven't heard anything about them being at Gaitbarrows. In this area, Warton crag must surely be the Southern most area for the Silver-washed fritillaries, as there aren't any reports from below there (are there?)