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BBC Wildlife Magazine

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:18 am
by Pete Eeles
The May 2006 issue of BBC Wildlife Magazine ( has an article describing Mark Stratton's quest to see all 59 UK Butterfly species in a year, which he accomplished in 2005. I actually bumped into Mark at Noar Hill in Hampshire, where he found Duke of Burgundy. Quite an interesting read - with Mark travelling 8,500 miles :shock:


- Pete

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:26 pm
by Pete Eeles
Also found this in the Telegraph online site: ... erly14.xml


- Pete

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:33 pm
by Danny
Having just found the forum, I didn't know about the May article, so could anybody tell me, how he managed to spot a Large Copper?

Do they still exist in the UK?


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:25 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Danny,

In short - he didn't - and this species is not part of the "59".

The reintroduced colony at Woodwalton Fen ultimately failed, unfortunately.


- Pete

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:40 pm
by Danny
Counted the 59 from here: ... index.html

They include the Large Copper in resident species. So if it doesn't count which of the migrant species does? Or are we talking REal's Wood White?


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:47 pm
by Pete Eeles
Yes - Real's Wood White was on the list. I believe the full list is:

1 Adonis Blue
2 Black Hairstreak
3 Brimstone
4 Brown Argus
5 Brown Hairstreak
6 Chalkhill Blue
7 Chequered Skipper
8 Clouded Yellow
9 Comma
10 Common Blue
11 Dark Green Fritillary
12 Dingy Skipper
13 Duke of Burgundy
14 Essex Skipper
15 Gatekeeper
16 Glanville Fritillary
17 Grayling
18 Green Hairstreak
19 Green-Veined White
20 Grizzled Skipper
21 Heath Fritillary
22 High Brown Fritillary
23 Holly Blue
24 Large Blue
25 Large Heath
26 Large Skipper
27 Large White
28 Lulworth Skipper
29 Marbled White
30 Marsh Fritillary
31 Meadow Brown
32 Mountain Ringlet
33 Northern Brown Argus
34 Orange-Tip
35 Painted Lady
36 Peacock
37 Pearl-Bordered Fritillary
38 Purple Emperor
39 Purple Hairstreak
40 RĂ©al's Wood White
41 Red Admiral
42 Ringlet
43 Scotch Argus
44 Silver-Spotted Skipper
45 Silver-Studded Blue
46 Silver-Washed Fritillary
47 Small Blue
48 Small Copper
49 Small Heath
50 Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary
51 Small Skipper
52 Small Tortoiseshell
53 Small White
54 Speckled Wood
55 Swallowtail
56 Wall
57 White Admiral
58 White-Letter Hairstreak
59 Wood White


- Pete

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:43 pm
by Dave
Don't forget the late Nick Sampford who first did the 59 in 2002?? I think. A truly nice man who showed me my first Essex Skipper.