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Silver-spotted Skipper

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:19 pm
by Martin
Went to Aston Rowent on Wednesday with Bryan H. Took a load of shots only to find I had accidentally moved the wheel on the camera, hence too slow a shutter speed and a lot of blurred photos :roll:

In an attempt to make up for a minor disaster I went back this morning. I got there at 10am, and it wasn't until 10:50 that I found one. Got down on my hands and knees...crept slowly forward...pushed the shutter...nothing! The battery was dead! Well, I crept backwards as slow as I could, but I spooked the critter anyway and it flew off :cry:
Back to the bag which I had left about 40 yards away to get the spare battery, only to realise that I'd charged it up last night and left it at home :oops:
There was only one thing to do...and an hour and a half later I was back with the spare battery and a foul mood. :twisted:
It got worse because it took two and a quarter hours to find another one!
The only consolation is that I got my shots, and I saw some lovely mating behavior. The male and female were alongside each other, and while he flicked his legs up and down in her direction, she would shimmy her wings.
Including driving, I spent 7 hours getting about 20 shots :cry:
Anyway, no more chat...a few photos.

A really dark specimen

Flicking and Shimmying.

The shallow depth of field couldn't cope with this...Male in focus, female to the right and behind...

...Female in focus.

The "pretty" shot.


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:48 pm
by Gruditch
I once used a whole 512mb card, not realising I had accidently moved the setting dial. :evil:


nice shots by the way :)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:43 pm
by Padfield
Wonderful shots, especially the dark female! Well worth all that frustration and anguish...

In the second picture, the female looks heavily pregnant already, unless it's just an illusion.


Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:01 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
padfield wrote:Wonderful shots, especially the dark female! Well worth all that frustration and anguish...

In the second picture, the female looks heavily pregnant already, unless it's just an illusion.

That was my initial thought. Second thoughts ~ possibly a very freshly emerged female which has not ejected it's meconium yet following wing expansion ~ hence the very pregnant looking condition.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:30 pm
by Padfield
Cotswold Cockney wrote:Second thoughts ~ possibly a very freshly emerged female which has not ejected it's meconium yet following wing expansion ~ hence the very pregnant looking condition.
Wow, they start early these days, don't they! Not even into nappies yet and she's shimmying at boys...

I had to look up 'meconium' to find out what you were talking about, CC!! Very interesting.
