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The Burren, Ireland

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:46 am
by Kingsdowner
I'm off to the west of Ireland this year, and will visit the Burren. Are there any particular areas to visit, especially for Graylings?

The Burren, Ireland

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:08 am
by Kingsdowner
In answer to my own question (after my visit!) the Burren is a marvellous place for plant and insect life, and you never know what will appear around the corner (or even on your next footstep).

Graylings were found on an area of limestone pavement right on the coast just north of the village of Doolin, while other pleasant surprises included plentiful Wood Whites, and Dark Green Fritillaries on a path up to Poulawack cairn.