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Another 'Is this an Essex Skipper ?'

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:08 pm
by tuftyhill
I'm almost certain this is an Essex Skipper that I photographed at Barnack Hills and Holes near Peterborough yesterday after spending a couple of fantastic hours at Fermyn Woods with unbelievable views of Purple Emperor there.
I just need someone with more experience to confirm it please as I've never seen this species before.
Aplogies for the second photo, it's a bit blurred but hopefully shows the black-tipped antennae the best.



Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:01 pm
by Padfield
I agree - this looks very good for Essex skipper!!

You can even see the short, straight sex brand on the forewing in the first shot (showing it is a male), although you can't see for certain that it doesn't suddenly dive down across the veins near the base.

I'm off on holiday tomorrow, so I'm off small/Essex duty for a while :D . I'm still convinced it's easier in the flesh than from photos!
