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July 2007 Entries

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:33 am
by Pete Eeles
This is the July 2007 competition. Please read the competition introduction at: ... .php?t=991

To enter the July competition, please post a single reply to this message (1 post per member). You'll be able to edit your entry until 5th August!


- Pete

P.S. I'll be thinking about making voting easier by having all pics on one page. For now though, please follow the guidelines above.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:38 am
by Jack Harrison

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:10 pm
by Gruditch

Changed mine again, this time for a close up of a Clouded Yellow, the only one I've seen this year. :)


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:24 pm
by Jack Harrison
Is this a competition about who can get the closest?

Watch this space :)


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:19 pm
by Rogerdodge
Gruditch - nice one - perhaps you will get a vote this month :wink:
Roger Harding

Marbled White

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:21 pm
by Chris
Changed for this lovely white-letter on elm, taken in Leeds!

150mm 1/320 @ f5.6, on tripod


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:54 pm
by tuftyhill
I hope I've done this correctly - Mating Ringlets at small colony near to where I live.


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:39 pm
by yellowhammer
Changed at the last minute!


july competition entry take 3

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:43 pm
by Charles Nicol
that's enough GVW action... here is a nice comma for you


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:23 pm
by Gwenhwyfar

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:49 pm
by Andrew Mc
Gwenhwyfar, I think it's stunning.


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:28 pm
by Dave McCormick
Yep, another change. A female Common Blue (I was practically on top of it when this was shot) Hard with a compact. Might not change now:


Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:29 pm
by Bryan H
Changed. I pursued this fella for over an hour yesterday. He then surprised me by landing very close, as if to say...go on then, but be quick! :lol:



Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:28 am
by Chris
For art's sake I hope you do well Gwenhyfar!! I tried something arty in June and got very few votes!


Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:02 pm
by Charles Nicol

i think it is a great reminds me of those Yes album covers !!


Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:16 pm
by Gruditch
No Gwenhyfar I think your get a big fat O, :lol: like what I did :cry:


Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:00 pm
by Gwenhwyfar
Well I wasn’t sure if we were allowed to yap in the comp section, but seeing as everyone else is……..

Andrew Mc – Many thanks for your Comments.

Chris – Thanks and I know what you mean, everyone seems to prefer the pin sharp macro shots, so I’m still debating if I should change it or not.

Charles Nicol – Thanks again for your comments, although I am not familiar with the Yes Album covers!!

Gruditch – Supportive as always. :roll: He just can’t handle the fact that I got votes this time and he never, so I’m rubbing it in, whilst I can!! :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:50 pm
by nick patel
Here's my effort - High Brown Fritillary at Whitbarrow NNR.



Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:48 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Nick - minor comment. But this looks like a female Dark Green to me, judging by the dots.


- Pete

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:07 pm
by nick patel
you are right this is a Dark-green fritillary. Although when we were at Whitbarrow, we did see Dark-green, High-brown, Small-Pearl-bordered and Pearl-bordered fritillaries. A brilliant collection. For pictures of the visit see my Blog:
