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Fermyn Woods

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:19 pm
by sidwemn
Hi all,
My son & I are planning a trip south from Middlesbrough in the near future (maybe this w/e - weather dependant), most probably to Fermyn Woods - it's 130 miles closer than Bentley.

Target species will be

Purple Emporer
White Admiral
possibly Essex Skipper

Are PE on the wing here yet? Anything else of interest?

As we've never visited the site before any advice as to where to look/directions would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:57 pm
by sandraandkevin
Hi Martyn,

Sandra and I went there on Monday, weather was horrible, however we did see a PE gliding above the trees. A couple also had a grounded one that day as well.
We also saw 6 White Admiral, White Letter Hairstreaks, Meadow Brown and lots of Ringlets.

If you can get the weather right then it is one of the best PE sites plus you get Red Kites soaring over head as well.

If you park in the visitor centre then it is a fair walk plus you have to pay. I am not sure which way you will be coming but if you go down the A6116 there is a turning before the visitor centre signs, take that left and follow narrow road for 1/2 mile and opposite the gliding field is a entrance on the right with a green metal gate. Park on the side and you are on the PE path. They can be seen anywhere along path. Get there from 9.00 onwards if sunny.

Good luck

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:40 pm
by alex mclennan
There are two 'hot spots' at Fermyn where emperors are regularly found.
Parking opposite the gliding club as described by Kevin is the most popular spot but if you have no luck there, walk back along the ride towards the road, turn left and walk along the road for about 3/400 yards and you will find another ride on your left. This is lined with sallows and can be quite productive. I shall be there tomorrow morning, weather permiting!
Good luck. Alex

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:44 am
by sidwemn
Many thanks both of you, much appreciated. Forecast is looking OK for tommorrow (Saturday) so with luck we'll be there.

I'd be interested on hearing how you got on if you got there Friday Alex.

Can Essex Skipper be found anywhere in that area? I'ts a species my son still hasn't seen, and it's difficult to get site specific details for this species.



Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:28 pm
by alex mclennan
I got to Fermyn about 10am this morning - I was leading a group of five other people, 4 of whom had never seen purple emperor before. The weather was poor with broken cloud allowing a few brief sunny spells and a fairly strong breeze added to the problems. We parked by the gliding club as described above. We entered the wood and I was in process of telling the group to watch out for butterflies on the ground when we all but trod on an emperor - and we hadn't gone 100 yards! Unfortunately, we spooked it but we all had wonderful purple flashing views as it flew onto a branch about 10 feet above us. It remained here for several minutes before moving into the canopy. Over the next hour, we saw one more emperor settle briefly on the ground but take off again before we got close. Weather conditions were deteriorating throughout and we saw no more emperors but white admirals were abundant. We ended the day with 12 species, the last being a marbled white before the heavens opened and a monsoon soaked us.
Although Kevin and Sandra had a sighting of emperor some days ago, the warden was unaware of any previous sightings this year. So it looks like a very late emergence this year. Here's hoping for better weather tomorrow when I try again!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:22 pm
by sidwemn
Thanks for the info Alex.

The weather forecast is still OK for tommorow so we will be giving it a go. Maybe we'll see you there. Look out for a pale blue Jag X-Type.


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:19 pm
by sidwemn
Phil & I headed down to Fermyn Woods this morning arriving at around 10am. Alex recognised our car and introduced himself as we arrived. He then very kindly showed us the best areas.

Several White Admirals were easily seen, together with Commas, Ringlets, Meadow Browns, Large & Small Skippers and Whites. Others were seeing White Letter and Purple Hairstreaks, but we chose to focus on our main quarry, the Purple Emporer.

One or two had been seen earlier, but we were struggling. We tried a second ride further to the west, eventually getting far from satisfying views of a fly over at tree top height. By 12.30pm we returned to the original ride fearing the worst. Even more frustrating was the news that up to three males had been showing there on the ground in our absence. :roll:

Fortunateley persistance paid off when we came upon a small group watching a male on the track. :D This remained for 15 minutes giving amazing views. It eventually flew off, giving chase to another male in the tree tops.

About 10 minues later, a further male dropped to the ground, giving excellent if brief views.

Can we thank Sandra, Kevin and Steve (who PM'ed us) for directions and especially Alex for the information and for acting as our guide this morning.


Martyn & Phil




Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:29 pm
by alex mclennan
Happy to be of service!! Glad you and Phil had a successful day. I shall be back there tomorrow morning!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:43 pm
by sandraandkevin

Great pictures, your persistance clearly paid off. Sandra and I will be popping down tomorrow , I hope we see them as well as you did/


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:49 pm
by tuftyhill
It could be busy tomorrow, I'll be paying my first visit to this site tomorrow morning as well. Both Purple Emperor and White Admiral will be new for me and the other 5 travelling down with me. Very hopeful after reading the last few posts.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:00 pm
by alex mclennan
Another enjoyable morning at Fermyn. The emperors were a little slow to appear but they eventually came to ground in reasonable numbers and I think everyone had good views and photographic opportunities.It was nice to meet several UKButterfliers! A special thanks to Kevin and Sandra who were able to help me out after I stupidly left home without a flash card in the camera!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:53 pm
by rdunn162
Well worth the 450 mile round trip. Thanks to Alex for his guidance and the Emperor on the finger and thanks to Kevin and Sandra for the White Admiral



Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:52 pm
by David Tipping
I headed down there today (it's a mere 260 mile round trip for me) to meet up with Trev Sawyer and hopefully see my first PE. Unfortunately we were greeted by heavy cloud on arrival and it stayed that way all day. All we saw were a few ringlets, a couple of very sleepy small skippers, a solitary gatekeeper and a purple hairstreak high up in the oaks.

I'll be back - watch this space!

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:26 am
by Trev Sawyer
Yes, damned 'Countryfile' weather forecast eh? :wink: ... The trip was organised as they had confidently predicted it would be the best day of the week.
A phrase known to anglers as well as butterfliers was used a lot during the day: "You should have been here yesterday mate - it was really good". I too will be back.

P.S. Dave. Couldn't have 'blanked' in better company. It was great to meet up for a good old chin-wag at last and thanks again for signing the books :D

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:50 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Bumped into David Tipping and Alex Mclennan this afternoon at Fermyn. Due to family commitments, I was rather too late on parade to see a Purple Emperor on the ground. Dave et al had been there for some time - I'll let them tell you about their day.
I saw "His Majesty" in the tops of the trees, but MY highlight was a different coloured specimen... Dave had spotted it earlier and just missed out on getting a snap, but it landed near me in the next clearing about a hundred yards away and I managed a few hasty shots before it dissappeared. Maybe I'll stick it in the Competition :idea: - thanks Mr. T! :wink:


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:24 pm
by David Tipping
Success at last! Many thanks to Alex and Trev. This specimen actually settled on my right boot for around ten minutes. As we commented at the time, for all the great things David Beckham has done with his right boot, I bet it's never hosted a purple emperor!



Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:34 pm
by Darrel
Hi David
Nice to meet you yesterday. I thought you might like to see a couple of shots of the PE on your boot!
Yesterday turned out to be pretty good - I got some decent pics of White Admirals on our way back to the car.
Good hunting!



Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:48 pm
by Trev Sawyer
So, now we can confidently state that the best bait for Purple Emperors is NOT rotten fruit or salmon.... "... it's cheeeese, Grommit!" :lol:

Sorry Dave,


Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:57 pm
by David Tipping
Yes indeed, wearing the same pair of socks for a fortnight paid dividends!

Darrel, it was nice to see your photos. I would have needed to be a contortionist to get those images on my own camera!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:21 am
by TedP
Can anyone hazard a guess re the chances of there being Purple Emperors in flight at Fermyn woods on 19th August, assuming the weather is decent?