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wasp and spider punch up

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:37 pm
by Macroman
Hi all my first post i know it not of a butterfly but you may like this post :D

Welcome to the first wasp vs spider match ,in todays match we have in the red corner waspy the 8 times champ and in the blue corner we have spidey the new up and comer

round 1 ding ding


round 2 ding ding


round 3 ding ding now if i can just get the bite in it's all over for you waspy


round 4 ding ding


round 5 and the wasp is winning by cheating he biteing the spider's leg ding ding


and it's all over by 2 to 1 the wasp get's it

now a word from the spider ,i hurt my leg ,i'll get him next time (kiss kiss my hurt leg)


a word from the wasp ,i got away with that one easy (their not so big and tuff)



Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:38 am
by Dave McCormick
That looks cool. Intresting pics. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:23 pm
by Macroman
thanks Dave :D

Wasp v Spider

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:11 pm
by Chris Pickford
Interestingly enough, I was watching some similar contests last week in France, this time hornet v. very large spider (orb web).

The hornet appeared to blunder into the spider web, the spider rushed up and there was a struggle, followed by legs being thrown out of the web. The hornet had killed the spider, nearly its own size, and removed the legs. It then revved up as it was caught in the web, broke free, and flew of with the body in its jaws. I saw two more do it in the space of an hour or so to other orb web spiders nearby. A good tactical approach!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:57 pm
by Macroman
thanks chris, the wasp was only 3 to 5 mm and it was going to put a grub on the spider like it did on this one
