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White Letter Hairstreak at Bannerdown?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:01 am
by eccles
I seem to remember someone mention seeing WLH larvae at Bannerdown. Can anyone advise where I might see adults please, at Bannerdown or anywhere else in the Bristol/Bath region?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:59 am
by Chris
Eccles, I seem to remember pointing out a site I used to frequent when I lived down there. See: ... ight=#2890

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:35 am
by eccles
Thanks Chris. I remember that, and have kept a copy of the thread. I visited the glade two weeks ago but didn't find any WLH, or any other interesting butterflies but I'll try again at the next opportunity. Bannerdown is another possible location in the event of failure at Leigh Woods.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:11 am
by Chris
Righto... I saw Silver-washed Frits, Clouded Yellow, PH and WLH there, so maybe two weeks ago was too early.

I haven't visited for three or four years, so it may have become overgrown, not being managed by anybody. Apologies if it becomes a goose chase!

The WLH were feeding on the umbellifers during a hot-spell... at the time I didn't have the experience to think to look for the elms they were using to breed... I was just 'getting into it' at the time!

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:17 pm
by eccles
The old fortifications or whatever they are, are still there and there are plenty of low scrubby areas around them that are reasonably easy to access. I didn't know how to recognise elms when I visited which in retrospect was a bit of an oversight. The large clearing opposite the cottages that you mentioned was popular with walkers is still there. The woods are a National Trust reserve so are still managed effectively.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:49 pm
by Simon C
Hi eccles,

I saw a WLH on the brambles on the edge of Bushey Norwood field today, on the hedgerow that separates it from Bath Golf Course. If you cut and paste this URL into your browser, you should be able to see where (doesn't seem to work as a url address in a forum posting): ... -2.3205:16

There are several elms in and around the corner there.

I managed to get a couple of snaps before it disappeared - didn't see it again in the next 10 minutes, when my patience evapourated. Quite a few dragonflies around, so the hairstreak's days may be numbered.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:39 pm
by eccles
Thanks Simon. The weather doesn't look promising for tomorrow (Saturday) but I might take a brolly and chance the sunshine and showers on Sunday.