Helice or Pale

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Devon Dave
Posts: 113
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Helice or Pale

Post by Devon Dave »

The constant rain in Devon this month is driving me mad, hardly a dry full day worth going out butterflying, and even then strong winds and little sun so many stay indoors Butterfly days over the last few weeks of so called Summer of 2024.
But staying indoors encouraged me to go through hundreds of last years butterfly photos to tidy up my collection and sort out just the best ones to retain.
Today I was checking through my late Summer 2023 ones and came across a few I had almost forgotten about. It was a quite warm, sunny afternoon during the first week of October last year and I was photographing Clouded yellows in a costal meadow near my home.There were a few still on the wing all nice and yellow, however there was one that caught my eye being almost white in flight.I got these photos and assumed it was a Helice form.
However looking again today for the first time since last year I am not so sure, and now wonder if it was a female of the Pale form of Clouded Yellow instead.
It had a bird peck in its right hand forewing but its forewings seemed quite veined with black veins against an almost White foreground. Rather like a Black Veined White might look, but definately a Clouded Yellow.I managed to get an "in flight " photo, which of course was a little blurred but it shows two distinct yellow spots on the upper hind wings.What are your thoughts, Helice or Pale form of a Clouded Yellow ? I would love some expert comments.
DSCN4240 (2).JPG
DSCN4320 (3).JPG
DSCN4322 (3).JPG
DSCN4392 (4).JPG
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Re: Helice or Pale

Post by Padfield »

Hi Dave. This is helice. The complete enclosure of the yellow/white spot closest to the trailing edge of the forewing in the dark border is a sure giveaway. Wing shape and overall appearance are less easy to judge but also point to helice.

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
Devon Dave
Posts: 113
Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:49 pm

Re: Helice or Pale

Post by Devon Dave »

Many thanks for that positive identification Guy,
I can now file it away in my collection as definate Helice,
your help is invaluable,
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