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Helice, Pale or Bergers

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:36 pm
by Devon Dave
Superb warm sunny day down in Devon today, and some nice butterflies about still.Several fresh looking Clouded Yellows on my walk in local meadows but also noticed what at first I thought to be a Small white. But each time it landed it had wings closed and its flight very laboured compared with a small white. My first photo was of it briefly settling on the ground (First Photo) But then on closer examination when it did eventual settle for a while to nectar, realised it was a Clouded Yellow of a very white in flight form.
I cant decide if its a Helice, Pale, or Bergers form, and expert help welcome so I can determine which.I took several photos whilst it was in flight to try and help identification, but due to its motion they are a little blurred and heavily cropped to see its open wing markings. Any comments welcome.

Re: Helice, Pale or Bergers

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:53 pm
by Padfield
Hi Dave. This is helice. The complete enclosure of the pale submarginal spots in the dark border is definitive. The jizz is also all helice.


Re: Helice, Pale or Bergers

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:02 pm
by Devon Dave
Many thanks indeed for that confirmation Guy, new one for me