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Speckled Wood aberration

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:37 am
by markp4200
Hello and my first message on this forum.
WE have a lot of Speckled Wood butterflies in our garden and generally they are quite pale but we have one which appears regularly and loves the white UPVC of the conservatory. I have been reading through info here and can I ask if this one is an aberration or is that quite normal? Thanks. Mark.

Re: Speckled Wood aberration

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:20 am
by David M
There are plenty of 'dark' Speckled Woods, Mark, but your specimen has unusual ocelli on the hindwing submargins, which are larger than normal and 'individually wrapped' in circular-shaped cream patches.

I'm not sure if it qualifies for aberrant status - it'd be nice to see the full hindwings to see if there are any cream-coloured markings near the upper-wing edge.

Re: Speckled Wood aberration

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:52 pm
by Jack Harrison
Maybe the photo might was taken in a fully automatic mode, so brightness range is 'averaged'.  Hence, against the very pale background, the camera would have made the butterfly appear extremely dark to achieve the right 'overall average'.
