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Has Menorca had a relly early butterfly season?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:31 pm
by Bertl
I am just back from a weeks holiday in Menorca. I was very disappointed with the lack of butterflies. To be fair I only spent a couple of mornings looking but the few i seen were well past their sell by date apart from a couple. There was a lack of flowers even in alot of the house gardens........was it a very early butterfly season due to the heatwaves?

There were alot of dragonfly on the wing.

Thought I would share the photos.



Re: Has Menorca had a relly early butterfly season?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:47 am
by Padfield
I would be surprised if Menorca hadn't had an early season, given what I saw in Spain back in April and what others have since reported.

In general, islands have relatively few butterflies, but high numbers of endemics. You seem to have found a good selection of non-leps, though - including Italian wall lizard if I am not mistaken!


Re: Has Menorca had a relly early butterfly season?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:25 am
by aeshna5
Shame you didn't see more butterflies, but some great shots. Can see Broad Scarlets, Keeled Skimmer & Copper Demoiselles amongst your Odonata shots.

Re: Has Menorca had a relly early butterfly season?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:55 pm
by David M
Spain (including the Balearics) had a phenomenally warm spring, but a persistent low pressure system in the western Mediterranean made June a cool, wet and windy month.

I think things, by late summer, had evened themselves out, but the year has been one of extremes at both ends of the spectrum and in close chronological proximity, so I would suggest that this hasn't been a particularly good summer for butterflies in that part of Europe, although the vegetation has probably benefited from the excess rain through June.

Re: Has Menorca had a relly early butterfly season?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:13 pm
by Bertl

Thanks for all your replies.
