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Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 6:52 pm
by Pete Eeles
Has anyone else played with ChatGPT? I've been interested in AI for some time, but the output clearly depends on the input! The concern, of course, is that the uninformed are unable to distinguish the output from fact and it's no wonder that there's a lot of discussion about regulation in the AI space.
Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 19.46.57.png

- Pete

Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 4:45 am
by David M
The 'chat' that you've just posted has gone a long way in persuading me not to play with it, Pete! :)

Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 5:52 am
by Padfield
It's not very strong on Erebia. :D The first question I asked it, when I first learnt about it, was 'Tell me about Erebia christi'. It replied that it was an alpine butterfly found in the Rockies. And funny that you should post this today, Pete, as only yesterday, in a moment of narcissism, I asked the AI chatbot Génie to summarise my own website. It replied:


For those who don't read French, it is reasonably accurate until the end, when it says my page has links to counterfeit watch sites. I challenged it on this and it replied:


It's not really a 'confusion' - more of a 'lie'! :D

Who would be liable for slander if it chatted to others about my criminal proclivities?


Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:02 pm
by David M
Padfield wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 5:52 am...Who would be liable for slander if it chatted to others about my criminal proclivities?
Good question. My guess is that at first, nobody would be liable, but like social media providers, at some point society will see that it is out of control and pressure will be applied for some kind of moderation to be introduced.

Of course, by the time that happens, AI might be representing itself in the courtrooms....which is why the medium and long term implications ought to be addressed right now.

Brexit. Covid. Putin.....AI.

Which is the next plague to afflict us? :(

Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 4:59 pm
by Padfield
It's not just words, but also photographs. In the old days, it took time and skill to edit out unwanted objects and replace them realistically. Now it is just a few clicks.

Whoops - left my bags in the picture:


No problem:


Vegetation instantly replaced by AI. No copy and paste, no careful cloning, no retouching, just a few judicious sweeps of the finger and a click. Photo-competitions will never be the same again ...


Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 5:55 pm
by Jack Harrison
AI will undoubtedly get out of control.  It is more than likely that when we come across alien intelligence, it will be their machines and not the creatures that made them.  In any case, those creatures might have been eliminated by the AI that they created and then that AI self-replicated, evolved and, in effect, became the dominant species.

Maybe we humans are the AI (the "I" bit is questionable) from an earlier intelligence. 

Whether it is AI or humans, I wish something would make hearing aids that actually work.  Mine have been such a disaster recently that I resorted to drastic action.  I bought a bottle of Vodka and soaked first one (as a test) and then the other: it seemed to clean up the innards.
I have googled, but I cannot find any reference to cleaning hearing aids in vodka.


Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:17 pm
by Padfield
Jack: My dear, late father kept his hearing aids clean by never taking them out of the box. This also preserved battery life.

Talking of cleaning things up, I tried removing a blade of grass from a grizzled skipper photo I took today. In the past, this sort of delicate operation would have taken me a very long time, but with AI assistance it took under a minute:



I then removed the rest of that blade of grass and the programme replaced the background very well indeed:


The results are not perfect, but they are good.


Re: ChatGPT

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:18 pm
by Pete Eeles
Padfield wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:17 pm Jack: My dear, late father kept his hearing aids clean by never taking them out of the box. This also preserved battery life.

I see that Adobe Lightroom now has an AI option for sharpening / noise reduction, but the grass blade removal is next level!


- Pete