Progressive Nomenclature that might not be for conservation.

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Progressive Nomenclature that might not be for conservation.

Post by PhilBJohnson »


Some of my progressive work was here this morning:

Butterfly ID's from the 1700s

Why was the Holly blue species, more dependant on native Ivy, than native holly?

Why was a “Marbled white”, a member of the Browns, Satyrinae family?

Why was the Brimstone species(a member of the Whites and Yellows Pieridae family), not at all dependant on Brassicaceae, like most other resident Uk Pieridae, but dependant on two small species of deciduous tree?
Why was a “Small Skipper”, not the smallest, resident UK skipper?

Why did someone want to rename a “Gatekeeper”, a Hedge Brown?

Why was a Marsh Fritillary, not totally dependant on Marshes?

Why did a “White Admiral” look more colourful than White?

When Hairstreaks had single annual life cycles and were dependant on our native UK trees, to life cycle, Why were they in the Lycaenidae family with coppers and blues? #GreenHairstreak
In 2000s, why might the Essex Skipper be found in widespread distribution, as far north as north Lincolnshire?

Why might someone like to be, less specific in location, with the Lulworth skipper’s common name? #DorsetSkipper

Why might have Carl Linnaeus been more interested in Swedish butterflies, rather than Irish ones?

#CarlLinnaeus #BinomialSystem

#SaveTheButterflies #UnderstandingFauna #culturalidentity #LatinNames (From #GreekMythology, that might not help someone's scientific understanding).

When not in flight, UK hairstreak butterfly species, possibly had an evolved, almost unique natural tendency, to keep their wings closed, like a camouflaged Brimstone butterfly. 

Why might a “Black Hairstreak” have been common named like that, after a visual identity parade with a previously identified, White-letter hairstreak?

Kind Regards

#BlackHairstreak (that might be lighter on the upper wing, than the previously named #WhiteLetterHairstreak
#BinomialSystem (that might not always be historically progressive).
Kind Regards,
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