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Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:43 pm
by marie28
Hullo, I’ve had a few instances in the last couple of weeks of small tortoiseshell butterflies coming into my home, perhaps thinking they’re ready to hibernate!

I live in a thatch property and my windows are open mostly at the moment. I’ve been able to release a couple when it has been sunny and still, and they’ve flown off on their merry way.

I just wanted some advice that I should still be prioritising releasing them rather than letting them hibernate (I don’t have a space that will stay cool enough for them to stay in that state throughout the winter).

Any thoughts welcome. It’s lovely having them as visitors but I suspect they should still be fluttering outside. 🦋

Re: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:45 pm
by David M
Hi Marie, if your property will remain heated then I suggest you release these butterflies as they will not be able to successfully hibernate in such warm temperatures.

Hopefully, after release they will be able to find more suitable places which will remain cool enough for them.

Re: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:28 pm
by marie28
Thank you David, as it happened, he decided to continue on with his adventures and flew gracefully out the window, so I didn't need to intervene. There is still plenty of nectar around so hopefully he realised that it wasn't yet time to hibernate! I may have found a suitable spot should he return to hibernate though :)