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Garden, Larval Habitat Protector (Not an indoor "Habitat Cage")

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:06 pm
by PhilBJohnson
1. Micromesh
2. Double zip on bottom, to put over outside flora, to protect immature stage from food chain predators, wasps and parasites
3. Double zip on top, to let butterfly out the top, on side facing the sun (direct sunlight).
4. Large Garden Larval Habitat Protector

A double zip side Habitat Cage entry, might be less appropriate, for outdoors.

#CaterpillarConservation (where most eggs laid, make it to maturity).

At the moment, I don't have a habitat cage in the garden (or used in the house).
Does anyone one know where I can get a larval habitat protector, i can use, in my garden, to release butterflies there?

Re: Garden, Larval Habitat Protector (Not an indoor "Habitat Cage")

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:02 pm
by Pete Eeles
I've used this company for years:

They'll also create custom cages, I believe.


- Pete