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Right Butterfly Wrong Place

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:51 am
by Devon Dave
Every year I survey a local long grass, uncut meadow near my home for counting grassland Butterflies. On Thursday I was there as usual searching for the first appearance of the Marbled Whites which usually start to emerge anytime now. But to my great surprise I spotted a Fritillary skimming around on closer examination when it settled I immediately identified it as a Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary and checking my books later am sure I got the right Butterfly identification from the photos I took But it was in totally the wrong place, a long Grassland meadow,and a singleton ,no others in sight. There is no bracken and no Dog violets in this meadow, and no know populations of the SPBF within 6 miles of this meadow.
I have surveyed this meadow for over 8 years now and never seen another SPBF in it.
So I wonder if these little treasures sometimes leave the main colonies and fly for miles looking for pastures new ?
Have any of you others out there ever seen a Small Pearl on its own and well out of its natural surrounding ?
Comments welcome.

Re: Right Butterfly Wrong Place

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:33 pm
by bugboy
You could supply the exact location to your local BC recorder, it's always possible there's a small colony secreted somewhere unknown to most people, perhaps on private land. As a species that inhabits woodland clearings amongst other habitats its part of their natural behaviour to wander to locate new breeding sites as old ones become overgrown. This one is a female btw :)