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Different-coloured antennae

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 3:06 pm
by Toby Ludlow
Has anyone come across this before: a butterfly with different-coloured antennae?
Marsh Fritillary with different-coloured antennae (head on, close-up) - 25.05.2022 - Little Scrubbs Meadow, Chambers Farm Wood.jpg
This butterfly has two different-coloured antennae: the left antennal club is a dull-orange colour, whilst the right antennal club is bright yellow. This is not a trick of the lighting.

Re: Different-coloured antennae

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 3:39 pm
by bugboy
It's not unheard of, here's an Essex Skipper with one slightly paler antennae tip.
Essex Skipper male, Hadleigh Country Park.jpg
I think the colour comes from scales/modified hairs similar to those that cover the wings and body so it's perhaps not such a strange occurance.

Re: Different-coloured antennae

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 5:40 am
by Jack Harrison
Hybrid perhaps between Essex and Small Skipper?
