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European Plant Checklist

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 11:47 am
by Pete Eeles
Hi all - does anyone know of a European Checklist of Plants, with both scientific and common names (where one exists), available on the web (ideally a spreadsheet)?

I'm doing some correlation between the new European checklist, and the new list of larval foodplants - I'll reveal what I've come up with soon, I hope!


- Pete

Re: European Plant Checklist

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:14 am
by PhilBJohnson
A possible UK Checklist of native British flora
(Why might have been "William" hiding?).
The Consise British Flora in Colour ©1969
I had not researched, if this life's work, was available online.
The Reverend William Keble Martin was born in 1877, about a decade after Frederick William Frohawk.
"during his schooldays at Marlborough he was an enthusiastic lepidopterist" Referenced The Front flap of Book.
He lived and worked during and in-between and after two World Wars, when much pressure was put on our Countryside to be more intensely cultivated, so help make Britain more self sustainable.

Might we have larval food plants for UK butterflies, listed as Native, Naturalised or Garden varieties?
#AlienFloralSpecies (Not wanted for invasive, competing light space by Governments, where "alien" fauna might not be present or wanted, to help control those species).

The importance to define the difference, might be to identify those species, less humanly intervened with in cross breeding and those species or varieties butterflies had more slowly evolved with, in more precise detail.

Kind Regards