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Butterfly documentary

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:26 am
by SolomonGilbert
Hello all you beautiful butterfly people!

I am currently looking at making a documentary following the seasons, with a focus on butterflies. It'll hopefully span the year and explore ways the world changes as the sun gets closer and further away from us, along with my own relationship to nature & why it brings me such joys.

The emphasis on butterflies means I'm incredibly interested in interviewing some of you good fluttery friends of mine. I'm based in the South West but happy to travel anywhere in the UK. Likely, I'll be looking to make interview dates some time in the late summer, but just for now if people can respond below if you're happy for me to come and do an interview with you, I'll get in touch via private message.

Thank you kind friends x

Re: Butterfly documentary

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:26 am
by SolomonGilbert
You can also reach out to me via

Re: Butterfly documentary

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:55 am
by Devon Dave
Hi Solomon,
I think I could assist with an interview if I don't get camera shy before Late Summer!
Not sure where you are in the South West but I am in Plymouth.
Let me know nearer the time,
Devon Dave.

Re: Butterfly documentary

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:46 am
by SolomonGilbert
Shall do, thank you!

Interviews generally predicated around "why did you fall in love with Butterflies" and more than happy to travel about, so thank you very much for your willingness.

I'll keep a passive eye on this thread and will definitely let you know closer to the time, cheers.