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Heath Fritillary at East Blean Woods

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:31 pm
by sandraandkevin
Visited East Blean Woods today in Kent. Saw 3 different individuals, I think this is really early. Also saw 11 Caterpillars, a first for us.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:11 pm
by steveh
Blimey that is early!..
Can I ask where abouts in the woods you saw them and where the caterpillars can be seen?
Was it near the main car park?


Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:38 pm
by sandraandkevin
If you take the path by the sign in the car park, you will see the Cow Wheat on the left after approx 50 yards, this is where we saw a majority of the Caterpillars.
For the Butterflies you carry on until the first xroads path, then turn left, then walk until you see a path bearing left, this takes you to the road and they were flying all around, landing mainly on buttercups. It is a nice little sun trap there.

I hope this helps you to find them.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:55 pm
by steveh
Thanks for the speedy reply!...Thats really very kind.
With regards to

"For the Butterflies you carry on until the first xroads path, then turn left, then walk until you see a path bearing left, this takes you to the road and they were flying all around, landing mainly on buttercups. It is a nice little sun trap there."

I think I know where you were?..was this sun trap on a sharp bend on the road?Basically you didnt have to cross a road to see the butterflies?

Believe it or not I have been interested in british wildlife (Mainly insects) since being a young 37 years later.I drive through these woods sometimes four times a week and never seen one heath yet !
Thus the keenness to see one..or two..:)

Once again thanks for the advice.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:07 pm
by sandraandkevin
Exactly right Steve, I think you might be able to pull in on the bend if you are just passing.

We have been very lucky when we have been, 3 times only and seen them each time.
In view of the number of Caterpillars we saw, I am sure over the next few weeks you will get a sight of them, they are really worth it.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:32 pm
by steveh
Thanks for the reply,
Stopped when driving through the woods just for a while yesterday and today, First time I stopped I may have seen one from a distance in flight?Being a newbie to the heath does this species fly almost like a small tortoiseshell but low? (this was not a tortoiseshell by the way :))

Today I had a longer look..found a large crop of cow wheat near the car area but no larvae. and had a quick look for adults but no show today.

I saw loads of speckled wood and some Holly blues.

Had a good try out with the Sigma 150mm on cardinal beetles and a massive nursery web spider but I really struggled with the light levels in the woodland..
I will keep looking and report on here when I (hopefully) see them .
Regards and thanks again.