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Small copper egg-laying habits

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:55 am
by Max Anderson
Just wanted to gather thoughts/experiences from others on this subject.

I'm specifically interested in whether anyone has observed phlaeas using anything other than sheep's sorrel, common sorrel or broad leaved dock as a larval host plant in the UK.


Re: Small copper egg-laying habits

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:46 pm
by David M
Can't say I have, Max, although that doesn't necessarily mean they don't.

Re: Small copper egg-laying habits

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:43 pm
by Allan.W.
Hello Max ,think you,re going to struggle for takers on this one Max . At Dungeness ,which has a HUGE population of Small Coppers ,and is carpeted with Sheeps Sorrell .........that is the go to foodplant ,although i have seen Common Sorrell used as well .
At a small local spot .a stones throw from home ,i guess the small population of Coppers use a Dock species (probably Broad -leaved ) which grows in some profusion ,and i,ve not noticed either of the sorrells growing there as yet .
I had a look through my modest butterfly " library " and every writer says the same; Common Sorrell ,Sheeps Sorrell and Broad -leaved Dock ,the only mention of another foodplant/egglaying source is in Newmans (Edward ) butterflies ,where a county contributor ,sites Common Fleabane ,which seems pretty unlikely to me ,although as you know it is a very popular nectar source for Coppers ,Sorry can,t be more helpful !
Regards Allan.W.

Re: Small copper egg-laying habits

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:16 pm
by Max Anderson
Thank you both for your comments - I didn't anticipate many responses on this, as I think it's pretty well accepted that they only use common sorrel, sheep's sorrel and broad leaved dock.

I ask because I've recently observed them using curled dock ,Rumex crispus, which I hadn't seen referenced in the UK. I'm also finding some eggs being laid on non-LHP's, which are adjacent to LHP's. This is something I'm aware of in other species, but I've seen no reference to this behaviour in L. phlaeas.

Re: Small copper egg-laying habits

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:27 pm
by bugboy
Hi Max, I found this reference
in this book

Re: Small copper egg-laying habits

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:33 pm
by bugboy
I also watched a female lay this egg on a stone some years ago at Newhaven Tidemills ... p?id=21972 Unfortunately I can't remember how close it was to any foodplant but one would presume these was a sprig of Sorrel close by.