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Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:30 pm
by Devon Dave
I am currently clearing my Late Fathers home and concentrate on the Attic before winter sets in. In a small draw I came across this quite handsome mounted large Tropic Butterfly. I cant decide if its a real specimen or a fake one. I think its real as it seems too detailed to be hand made ,but who knows. I wonder if anyone out there knows what species it maybe as I want to list it on eBay for sale soon. Thanks for looking.

Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:11 pm
by Benjamin
Hi Dave - this is one of the Charaxes species, probably jasius but i think there are some similar species so I couldn’t be 100%.

Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:22 pm
by Benjamin
I just had a look - maybe castor. I remember a few other similar butterfly house regulars also - brutus I think was one. Not sure how to separate them but I’m sure you can find some info somewhere…

Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:50 pm
by Padfield
I think castor is a good call, by wing shape and pattern. This is one of the larger Charaxes, which will help in the flesh but not in a photo (but I'm 99% sure anyway). As Benjamin says, castor is widely bred outside its African homeland and can be seen in butterfly houses.


Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 10:10 am
by Devon Dave
Many thanks Benjamin and Guy, I can now research it and try and name it. Found in my Late Fathers attic that we are clearing, I thinks its a real specimen ,and have to sell it to raise funds for my dear Mother who suffers Dementia and needs expensive nursing care. So many thanks again for your help.

Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:06 am
by Padfield
My deepest sympathies, Dave. This must be a very painful time for you.

Re the identity, you can be confident this is Charaxes castor. I did research it in d'Abrera and other African books and have no doubt myself, except for the universal doubt that comes with knowing I'm often wrong! Even more, you can be confident it is a real butterfly!

All the best,


Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 5:35 pm
by Devon Dave
Many thanks indeed Guy for your identification and kind words. If anyone is interested in acquiring it, then it is listed on eBay now, item number 265337810710
I am hoping it goes to a good home, poor thing,
Kindest regards,

Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:28 pm
by Jack Harrison
you can be confident it is a real butterfly!
This is as much a test posting as I have been mysteriously locked out I wasn't naughty. Honest. Pere would confirm.

I I do have to quibble with Guy's "is a real butterfly". Surely it WAS a real butterfly? :evil:


Re: Tropical Butterfly in the Attic Real or Fake ?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:49 pm
by Medard
Hi Dave, World wide Butterflies, if they are still operating may offer some help, they have had experience over a very long period of time, its located near Sherborne at Over Comton.

Worldwide Butterflies, Compton House website link below, Best wishes ,you face an unenviable job, I speak from personal experience. ... ation_id=4