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Shipton Bellinger

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:36 pm
by John W
Hi all,

I am thinking of visiting Shipton Bellinger next week to look for Brown Hairstreaks.
Screenshot 2021-08-08 at 18.31.25.jpg
Can anyone tell me, in the above map, does the P represent a car park? Is the Brown Hairstreak site to the east or west of the village? Roughly how far is it from the car park?

Thanks for any replies!
John W

Re: Shipton Bellinger

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:03 pm
by Mark Tutton
Hi John
I have found the best area in recent years to be the extensive blackthorn on the Hants//Wilts border - the north south mark on the map. A particularly good section has been the triangle area at SU21814618. I always park right adjacent here by the tank crossing at SU21764620.
The other area on the track from the village (the east west mark on the map) is also worth exploring but I have not found it so productive in the last few visits.
Kind Regards and good luck