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Brown Moth in Grass ID

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 2:25 pm
by Devon Dave
Wednesday this week gave the first dry and sunny day down here in Devon we have had in the last two weeks or more. I took the pleasant break in the terrible May weather to have a walk through Haldon Forest near Exeter in search of Pearl Bordered Fritillaries of which there were quite a few on the wing also welcoming the short interluded of Sunshine.(Photo of a nice one attached).
But I also spotted a brown medium sized moth crawling in the grass amongst the Bracken. It did not fly, it was just crawling along the ground. But it did flutter its wings a few times and when it did I noticed it had an deep rustic orange underwing colouration. Any idea of what it maybe for my records would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

Re: Brown Moth in Grass ID

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 2:37 pm
by meiga
The moth is a Ruby Tiger

Re: Brown Moth in Grass ID

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 6:06 pm
by Devon Dave
Many thanks indeed Maurice.