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Future of Butterflies in Europe - 2021

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:57 pm
by Pete Eeles
Did any other members listen in - this is the equivalent of the Butterfly Conservation Symposium that runs ever 4 years (the location alternates between UK and NL), I believe? I have to say, I was seriously impressed with the content. Unfortunately, I have a day job and, as with all virtual events, that seems to take precedence. I can't wait for face-to-face meetings again when I can block out the time!

The programme is here: ... /programme

I believe that all of the sessions were recorded and will post here when they're online.


- Pete

Re: Future of Butterflies in Europe - 2021

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:29 am
by selbypaul
Thanks Pete. I too was stuck in meetings for my day job, so couldn't find the time to listen in to this. Good to know they were recorded though, and look forward to seeing the recordings, when they become available.