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Zoom presentation on French Species (with a UK connection) – 31 March

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:03 pm
by Roger Gibbons
Herts and Middx BC branch have been giving a series of Zoom presentations on various butterfly and moth topics which have proved remarkably popular and so it has been decided to add another presentation titled “The French Connection” on the evening of Wednesday 31 March (log on from 19.45 for a 20.00 start).

It will focus on species across the channel that have a close connection with UK species, such as Brimstone and Cleopatra, Green Hairstreak and Chapman’s Green Hairstreak, White Admiral and Southern White Admiral.

It is open to anyone, including those who are not BC members, and no experience of overseas species is necessary (or assumed). No pre-registration is necessary. If you haven’t joined a Zoom meeting before, it is very simple – just click on the link.

Zoom meeting link:


Re: Zoom presentation on French Species (with a UK connection) – 31 March

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:30 am
by Benjamin
Excellent - looking forward to it Roger!

Re: Zoom presentation on French Species (with a UK connection) – 31 March

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:35 pm
by Pete Eeles
That was a great presentation Roger! Thanks for sharing your expertise with us!


- Pete

Re: Zoom presentation on French Species (with a UK connection) – 31 March

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:20 am
by Roger Gibbons
Thanks, Pete. Also, thanks for permission to use a couple of images from the UKB stock library to illustrate British species.

The talk was recorded and is now up on YouTube:

It is actually viewable at up to 4K resolution. The first couple of minutes are about the EGB, so skip to 2:00 for the start of the talk proper.

We had a turnout on the night of 68, not too bad given that we were on at the same time as the England football. The first talk on the ID of similar British species had 64 and subsequent views of 105 on the Herts & Middx BC site.

It is actually very strange to be giving a talk from a spare bedroom when you can’t see the audience!
