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Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:04 pm
by Wurzel
Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Week 12 Happy New Year to one and all on UKB :D

So here we are in 2021 – we actually made it! I was quite surprised that 2020 didn’t have anything else in store for us – Godzilla Attack, Alien Invasion, Zombie Apocalypse...Still it’s a case of DYSFT (Different Year Same Favourites Thread) so I hope this week’s selection helps to warm the cockles in the much cooler temperatures.

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos as then it will be easier to keep track of things? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As in previous years details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Just a reminder - it might be a good idea to select your Overall Favourite Butterfly Photo of 2020 now so that you’ve got something to post when the series of threads culminates in several weeks time…

Have a goodun and stay safe


Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:43 pm
by Bertl
I only seen one painted lady the whole season in my garden in Aberdeen. Most other years my garden is full of them. I certainly missed their colourful and graceful presence. All photos taken on 14th July.

Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:06 pm
by millerd
2020 was definitely not a Painted Lady year, though this is not really a surprise as 2019 certainly qualified as one: two in succession is not a normal occurence. A few appeared on my local patch at various times in 2020, and a group of three down at Staines Moor in May was a bit of an anomaly in retrospect. However, the standout individual for me was a relatively fresh example seen at Calley Heath in Yorkshire on 6th August. I don't think my summer trips to this part of the world have ever failed to produce at least one of this species, regardless of how good or bad the season has been overall.
PL1 060820.JPG
PL3 060820.JPG

Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:14 pm
by bugboy
As with everyone else, I saw very few last year, just four in fact. This is the first to appear, surprising me by gliding over my shoulder and landing at my feet. A few snaps and it was gone as quickly as it appeared. Curiously it was not much more than a few feet from where 2019's PL debut appeared!
Painted Lady, Walthamstow Marshes.JPG

Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:58 pm
by Neil Freeman
My favourite Painted Lady of 2020 was one that surprised me by turning up in my garden back in May.
Painted Lady - Coverdale 28.05.2020
Painted Lady - Coverdale 28.05.2020
Painted Lady - Coverdale 28.05.2020
Painted Lady - Coverdale 28.05.2020
The only problem I have with this species turning up like this these days is that I can never be sure that it is not the result of one of those butterfly rearing kits that unfortunately seem to becoming ever more popular.

Anyway, I did not see another one until our week down on the Lizard in early August when I saw half a dozen, mostly rapidly flying around the coast path to the south of Kennack Sands.
Painted Lady - The Lizard 02.08.2020
Painted Lady - The Lizard 02.08.2020


Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:58 pm
by MrSp0ck
The Painted Lady that emerge from the Kits are usually undersized [due to the paste food they eat as larvae], and the numbers realeased each year, and the numbers seen are so low in non Painted Lady years, when I would expect 100s to be seen every year in each schools area. So i dont think they have any effect on sightings. I know 5 were let go near Hutchinsons Bank, and none were seen even 30 minutes later this year for example.

Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:13 am
by David M
Miserable year for these - it's coming to something when more Clouded Yellows are recorded than Painted Ladies!!

I saw just 7 in the UK, and a mere TWO overseas (French Alps and Spain) in 2020. Here's one from the Gower coast on 12th September:

Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:08 pm
by Wurzel
Painted Lady

It wasn’t exactly a vintage year for Painted Lady, something which I’ve experienced before – after a mass invasion the following year the species is quite scarce. So it was in 2020 and off the top of my head I only saw three individuals. My first was at work but didn’t stop for a photo, the last was also at work and did. However it was the second that I chose for my Favourite entry as it was a prime example of manifestation or the happystance of serendipity.

Dave, Philzoid and I were Social Distancing at Shipton Bellinger back in early August. Philzoid had mentioned earlier in the day how there were several species that he hadn’t encountered so far during the year and reckoned that if he could see 3 out of the 5 it would be one hell of a day. Knowing the sites that we were visiting I was fairly confident that I could get those (Brostreak, Wall and Silver-spotted Skipper) but was also hoping for the other two as well and after a great session with some Brostreaks (number one tick) we were again talking about butterflies in general and what we were hoping to see.
I suggested looking into a neighbouring field where the margins had been left and Philzoid again mentioned how good it would be to see a Painted Lady...
“What like that one I said?” as there was number 4 of the ‘Bug Five’. :D
Have a goodun and stay safe


ps - We did see the 'Bug Five' by the end of the day! 8)

Re: Painted Lady - Favourite Photo of 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:01 pm
by Lee Hurrell
As others have mentioned, it certainly wasn't a cardui year. I saw seven in total; the first at Old Winchester Hill, where a pair was hilltopping.
Painted Lady, Old Winchester Hill, Hampshire, 31st May 2020
Painted Lady, Old Winchester Hill, Hampshire, 31st May 2020
Four singletons were seen at Magdalen Hill Down over the year, including this female, then a further individual in Dorset.
Painted Lady, Magdalen Hill Down, Winchester, Hampshire, 31st May 2020
Painted Lady, Magdalen Hill Down, Winchester, Hampshire, 31st May 2020