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Washed out Holly Blue

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:12 am
by Devon Dave
Apologies for this late posting but I am afraid domestic chores have taken a precedence of the last couple of weeks.
I spotted this unusual butterfly briefly on Bramble Blossom on a Devon coastal path on the 9th August whilst hunting for Clouded Yellows.
At first in flight I thought it was a rather small ,Small White, but as it landed I realized it was probably a Holly Blue. However is was either very washed out or an ab,Form. It was a dirty white colour with no trace of blue as if a Holly Blue with no pigments. But it may have just be at the end of its Life Cycle and simply completely faded. I only managed one clear photo before it flitted off.
Any thoughts welcome.

Re: Washed out Holly Blue

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:31 pm
by millerd
Hi Dave,

I'd say that was just a very worn specimen towards the end of its life. Looking at it illuminated from behind, the silvery underside tends to dominate (appearing pale grey), and its age has led to the loss of the characteristic blue scales on the upperside as well.

