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N Greece virtually day 4

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:46 am
by sifenn
Monday (of my June 2019 trip to N Greece/Lake Kerkiniti/S Rhodopi mountains) I decided to head NE of the lake. A slightly cooler morning, I drove out of Sidirokastro into a winding valley, with wooded areas lower down giving way to scrubbier dry areas whenever the road ascended, and with roadside meadows and fields, making for a variety of habitats to be explored. First roadside stop revealed some blues, Small, Brown Argus, Common, and a Holly Bush with more than a dozen Ilex Hairstreaks taking in the early morning sun. Next stop, I spotted a tall grassy flower meadow and went for a wander, finding Hermit, another first for me

A Yellow Banded Skipper

A Lesser Spotted Fritillary (crescent shaped submarginal markings ?)...

In a shady area I spotted my first Anomolous Blue

And a Marbled Skipper (Tufted/Oriental ?) posed briefly

At another roadside meadow near a cave/shrine, I came across a bramble patch alive with Marbled Fritillaries, Southern White Admirals and Ilex, White-letter and Purple Hairstreaks, which as a fan of Hairstreaks, accustomed to squinting at treetops in England, was a glimpse of heaven

Soon after I came to the village of Kapnofyto, parked under a shady tree and set off to explore. Reports I'd seen mentioned an abandoned orchard, and as I came to the top of the village I did find an area that could match that description, and it was a treasure trove. A spreading fig tree merged with a white mulberry, under which many ripe fruit had accumulated and were fermenting. This was attracting Large Tortoiseshells, Lattice Browns, Great Banded Graylings and Commas (not a Southern to be seen though) amongst others...

In a more open area, 2 mtr tall thistles were attracting Hermits, Swallowtails and Cardinals

And to make my hairstreak day even better, I glanced up into the fig and there sat a Brown Hairstreak

A couple of Camberwell Beauties were defending different parts of the orchard, but would either alight wings shut, or just out of reach

As the temperature soared, I just sat under the shade of the mulberry tree for a while watching the butterflies and skittering green/blue lizards

On the way back I stopped at a bridge where I hoped to see some puddling action; not a great deal but saw this Osiris Blue, as a Stork ambled past

Back at the guesthouse I enjoyed a cold beer sat on my verandah overlooking the lake watching circling pelicans, swifts etc

As I took the vineyard path down to the village taverna, I could hear snuffling and grunting noises behind a bramble hedge, so kept quiet, and a couple of faces appeared along the track...wild boar, wild pig anyone ?

Halfway through and my trip was more than meeting my expectations

Re: N Greece virtually day 4

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:47 pm
by Padfield
More absolutely stunning pictures. I especially like the anomalous blue - a lovely individual. And the wild boar ... When they're with young like that you need to keep your distance!!

I go for Carcharodus orientalis for the skipper. It's difficult to be 100% between that and flocciferus from an upperside alone, but the narrowness of some of the hyaline markings (in ss. 2-3, for example) points away from flocciferus.

The Osiris blue looks more like minimus from the underside alone, but if you saw the upperside you will be in no doubt and I won't stick my neck out!


Re: N Greece virtually day 4

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:13 pm
by David M
Fabulous array of species, sifenn, both insect AND mammalian!!

Like Guy, I too am rapt with your Anomalous Blue. What a beautiful butterfly, and as far as I can recall, the first time an image of it has appeared on here. :mrgreen:

Re: N Greece virtually day 4

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:56 am
by petesmith
I'll add a third voice in praise of your Anomalous Blue photo. Absolutely stunning!
And a great range of other species also. The thrill of finding these must have been quite an experience!

Re: N Greece virtually day 4

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:19 am
by David M
It's also rare to see both fresh White Letter AND Brown Hairstreak at the same time. :mrgreen: