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Dingy skippers in courtship flight extend proboscis

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:12 am
by Ned Garnett
I have recently been spending time observing Dingy Skippers near where I live to the south of Bath. In particular, I have been trying to photograph their courtship flight and have observed that during this flight they have their proboscis extended.
I am aware that Wood White males wave their proboscis around when courting a female. I have also read that male Lulworth skippers do something similar (see link ... h-skipper/) but not am aware of observations of skippers doing this during courtship flight.

Is anyone aware of this behaviour in Dingy Skippers or other butterflies?

Presumably this relates to the detection of pheromones. They don’t appear to extend their proboscis when chasing off or being chased by other species. I have some pictures of them interacting with common blues.
We do have Grizzled Skippers in the same location but in smaller numbers. I have not seen, let alone been able to photograph, their courtship flight so I haven’t been able to observe whether this species has the same behaviour. I plan to keep looking in other species and hoping we may have a second brood of Dingies this year.

Any thoughts or observations of similar behaviour would be welcomed.


Re: Dingy skippers in courtship flight extend proboscis

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:50 am
by bugboy
I photographed this some years ago, although my pictures were no where near as in focus as yours. Like you I presumed it was for the detection of pheromones.