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Orange-tip query

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:00 pm
by Nigel P
We've got several Orange-tip larva approaching their final install but am wondering about the one in the attached photos. There's not much left on the Garlic Mustard it's on and am asking if it should be moved to another plant that's in better condition, obviously one that isn't occupied.



Re: Orange-tip query

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:34 pm
by Vince Massimo
Yes Nigel, move any larvae that have almost exhausted their food supply to another plant straight away. Just tie the cutting to a fresher plant, which is not already occupied by another larva. In such circumstances larvae are prone to leave their plant and go searching for another, but could then perish if they fail to locate one. Don't try to prise the larva off the plant as it may be resting in preparation for a moult. It will find its own way onto the new food source after you have moved it across. I am also finding that a lot of larvae are eating leaves as well as seed pods this year, so a plant in better condition would also satisfy this need.


Re: Orange-tip query

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:52 pm
by Nigel P
Hi Vince,

Thanks very much for the advice. I'll do as you say and attach the stem it's on to a better food source.

We've also got one on Cardamine heptaphylla which has demolished the top and now munching on the leaves.
