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Orchid oddity.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 5:55 pm
by Allan.W.
Thought some may be interested in an orchid oddity that I finally got around to visiting today ,this particular orchid is pretty well known locally ,and I believe this is at least the third year,in a row, that it has flowered , I chatted to a chap last year ,photographing the Lady Orchids ,at Bonsai Bank ,Denge Wood ,here in Kent ,and he gave me a rough idea just where to look for this orchid ,so I set
out to look today .I was amazed at the size of some of the Fly Orchids that I found ,2 plants were propped with sticks ,and 1 (I kid you not !) were nearly 1 metre tall ! and must have had twenty flowers on it...…………. I,ve certainly never seen any quite like it !
The Lady orchids were also huge ………….. but sadly ,past their best. There were lots of Fly Orchids ,White Helleborine ,Common Twayblade ,
Lady Orchids ,and a few Common Spots ………………… and I searched in vain for Birds nest Orcs. Not sure of the fly Orchid variety name ,but think it could be Var; Ochroleuca. On the way up to the site I passed this wonderful field of ox-eye daisies …………. just like snow.
Regards Allan.W. (excuse pictures ,taken in deep shade )

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:55 pm
by David M
Wow. Those orchids are beautiful, Allan. You're lucky to have a spot like that not too far from you. :mrgreen:

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 8:16 pm
by Allan.W.
Thanks David yes we are very lucky ,Orchid wise in Kent ,with around 26-27 species ,give or take ………….. I,m still missing a couple
but was lucky enough some years back to see in Kent ,a species which is probably now extinct in Kent ie;Frog Orchid (although ,wouldn,t be surprised if its hanging on somewhere ……… yet undetected ) ,the sheer size of todays Fly Orchids ,was something I,ve never seen before
Absolutely huge.!
Regards Allan.W.
Huge propped Fly Orchid . (Kent )
Huge propped Fly Orchid . (Kent )

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 8:22 pm
by David M
Jeez, that's practically a triffid, Allan. :) I never knew they could grow to that size. :shock:

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:21 am
by Medard
A good advert for growmore.

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 12:21 pm
by Sylvie_h
The size of this fly orchid is quite extraordinary. I have seen some tall specimens before but not as tall as that.
The first picture , I believe, shows a hypochromic form of this orchid. They are normally green and never change color. These forms are very rare so a good sight.

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 7:36 pm
by Allan.W.
Hello Sylvie ,
Likewise ,I,ve never seen Flys like these before ,the Ladys ,White Helleborines , and particularly the Broad leaved Helleborines ,are extra tall at
this site ,most grow in pretty deep shade ,so whether they,re trying to reach up to the light spots between the branches …………….. I don,t know .
but for whatever reason they are very unusual and stunning !
Regards Allan.W.

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:29 pm
by essexbuzzard
Yes, usually a combination of low light and sheltered from wind encourages them to grow like that. The lady orchids at yockletts , for example,bank often grow much taller than those at Bonsai bank, which is more open (to encourage the Duke of Burgundy).

Re: Orchid oddity.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 6:34 am
by Allan.W.
Yes Essex ,I did think as much ,but even so ,having visited Yockletts ,on and off for over 40 years ,this is definately the first time that I,ve seen such enormous specimens.
Regards Allan.W.