The Mullien moth

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The Mullien moth

Post by Medard »

Co Dependancy ?
I have often wondered, what makes the Mullion Moth so dependant on the Mullion plant that it can search out the only plant in my garden, another of nature’s mysteries.
Verbascum thapsus
Verbascum thapsus
The Mullein moth caterpillars Shargacucullia verbasci
The Mullein moth caterpillars Shargacucullia verbasci
The Mullein moth caterpillars Shargacucullia verbasci
The Mullein moth caterpillars Shargacucullia verbasci
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Re: The Mullien moth

Post by Matsukaze »

The adult moth is pretty fine as well, though it is not often seen, even by regular moth recorders. That said, it must be having a good year, in Somerset at least, as it has turned up in a few people's gardens.
Mulleins are plants of disturbed ground, and little populations get scattered about the landscape. The moth must be capable of detecting the foodplant from quite some distance, as wherever the plant gets to, the caterpillars seem to be there as well.
downland boy
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Re: The Mullien moth

Post by downland boy »

Hi Medard,

Many moth species have a range of foodplants that they can turn to. I have certainly found Mullein larvae feeding on buddleia in my East Sussex garden.

All the best, db.
(2221) Mullein (larva on buddleia) 10.6.08 _ East Sussex. Nigel Kemp.JPG
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