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May 2020

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:36 pm
by David M
The butterfly year is seemingly rushing by apace with our ability to travel severely restricted. I hope that during May a few concessions will be afforded us, but for now it looks like staying relatively local remains the only option. :(

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 11:27 am
by Wurzel
May Day

Tried a nearby Down for the first time (as per guidelines on exercising) and it paid off - 5-6 Dukes, my first Small Heath of 2020 and amazingly a Large White which sat still long enough for at least 5 shots :roll: :lol: More eventually (possibly before July :shock: ) in my PD.
DSC_0757 - Copy.JPG
Have a goodun and stay safe


Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 11:30 am
by Wurzel
May 2nd

Bentley Wood this morning was very quiet and for most of the time I was there I was able to exercise in solitude. While I did caught up with several Pearls and a Marsh Fritillary. Only saw two species of butterfly the entire time I was there :shock: More to follow in my PD (I think July is pushing it actually - more like August :roll: :lol: ).
DSC_0106 - Copy.JPG
DSC_0179 - Copy-001.JPG
Have a goodun and stay safe


Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 1:11 pm
by Stevieb
With the sun making an effort so did I and headed out on my isolation walk. Good numbers of Small and Green-veined White. Orange-tips still being frisky and a single Large White and Peacock made up the tally.
Male Orange-tip 2nd May
Male Orange-tip 2nd May
Male & Female Orange-tip 2nd May
Male & Female Orange-tip 2nd May
Male & Female Orange-tip 2nd May
Male & Female Orange-tip 2nd May
Female Green-veined White 2nd May
Female Green-veined White 2nd May
Green-veined White 2nd May
Green-veined White 2nd May
Male Large White 2nd May
Male Large White 2nd May
Male Small White 2nd May
Male Small White 2nd May
Male Small White 2nd May
Male Small White 2nd May

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 1:38 pm
by David M
Stevieb wrote: Sat May 02, 2020 1:11 pmWith the sun making an effort so did I and headed out on my isolation walk.
I like that, Stevie. :)

Your efforts were rewarded. Lovely female Green Veined White.

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 3:23 pm
by Pete Eeles
I was busy checking out some Orange-tip eggs on the Garlic Mustard in the garden, and came across a small batch of Large White eggs on a leaf, that were in the process of hatching. I was quite shocked to find so many eggs, though, given the amount of 'leafage' available! Anyone else come across anything similar? There is no way that they would have survived - perhaps the egg-laying female knew that this was my house, and that all would be well :)
Large White on Garlic Mustard
Large White on Garlic Mustard
Large White on Garlic Mustard
Large White on Garlic Mustard
Orange-tip just prior to hatching
Orange-tip just prior to hatching

- Pete

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 3:29 pm
by David M
Impressive, Pete, and yes, as you say, perhaps this female knew what she was doing. :)

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 6:32 pm
by Allan.W.
Like everyone I expect ,dodging the heavy showers ! Managed a trip down the road to a Grizzle site ,and noticed a sign pinned to the gate ,in the laybye where I generally park ……………….. cut a long story …………… the land owner has been forced to close the access paths crossing his land ,after finding severe damage by youths digging ,jumps and runs for them to race their bikes around , breaking up orchids and other scarce flora ,so could only use the council footpaths ,but was lucky enough to find about three grizzles ,before the rain came .
Today at another spot ,very close to home ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,was greeted ,by a load of people tearing up and down the rides on motor bikes ,the highlight of this short and sweet walk was finding around a dozen Brimstone eggs ,I "Borrowed " three to rear at home . All in all ,not my best start to May. Regards Allan.W.
re-found the individual from the other day !
re-found the individual from the other day !
the rains coming !
the rains coming !
Orange -tip larva ,from rescued eggs.
Orange -tip larva ,from rescued eggs.

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 6:35 pm
by David M
Lots of Orange Tips at Crymlyn Burrows, a dune site in Swansea, today, but this one was a real headscratcher, possibly ab. transvestita:
Other, more regular, Orange Tips were available :P

Re: May 2020

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 10:33 am
by zigzag_wanderer
Limited walk on the Weald yesterday. It was colder than it looked when I set off !

Saw decent number of whites (Small, OT and GV), 4-5 Red Admiral, maybe 6 Peacock, 4-5 Speckled Wood, 4 Comma and no blues.

In the field behind our local, I saw a pair of Small Whites meet in the air and land like this.

I also found around the edges of a local wood some likely-looking rides I'd not noticed before, which is where this male Green Veined White was enjoying himself.

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 6:55 am
by Deborah
A glimpse here in Brittany of a first generation Map in the meadow which borders my garden. Also spotted first Wall sunning itself on cut grass. Still plenty of Orange Tips, a single Red Admiral, a couple of Speckled Woods and Holly Blues and the first female Small White egg laying on my cabbage seedlings.

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 10:18 am
by Matsukaze
A Long-tailed Tit this morning around one of our large evergreen shrubs, taking short flights up and hovering briefly like a tiny kestrel, looking very absurd whilst doing so. Is this flycatching or a display/territorial flight?

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:15 pm
by David M
Deborah wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 6:55 amA glimpse here in Brittany of a first generation Map in the meadow which borders my garden...
Oh, to have that little beauty as a garden tick (or adjacent to...) :mrgreen:

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:19 pm
by Stevieb
Different walk but same restrictions so the usual suspects, although I did get my first Common Blue.
Speckled Wood 6, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Small White 5, Large White 6, Peacock 7, Green-veined White 8, Orange-tip ♀1/♂5, Brimstone ♀3/♂3, Red Admiral 1, Common Blue 1.
♂ Orange-tip 4th May
♂ Orange-tip 4th May
♂ Orange-tip 4th May
♂ Orange-tip 4th May
♀ Orange-tip 4th May
♀ Orange-tip 4th May
♀ Orange-tip 4th May
♀ Orange-tip 4th May
♀ Orange-tip 4th May
♀ Orange-tip 4th May
♂ Green-veined White 4th May
♂ Green-veined White 4th May
♂ Green-veined White 4th May
♂ Green-veined White 4th May
♂ Speckled Wood 4th May
♂ Speckled Wood 4th May
♂ Speckled Wood 4th May
♂ Speckled Wood 4th May
♂ Brimstone 4th May
♂ Brimstone 4th May
♀ Brimstone 4th May
♀ Brimstone 4th May
tatty Peacock 4th May
tatty Peacock 4th May

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:25 pm
by David M
Two Small Blues seen on the Swansea coast on 2nd May:

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 3:51 pm
by Medard
First walk out this morning since lock down ,a  female Orange tip obligingly posed for the camera.
Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:32 pm
by NickHull
A good few OT in the garden this last week with Large, Small and GV White and Holly Blue too.
Got out into Wolds at weekend. A few Dingy Skipper under Cinquefoil Brow and Mother Shipton and Burnet Companion moths

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:38 pm
by David M
NickHull wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 7:32 pm..Got out into Wolds at weekend...
Looks pretty tempting, Nick. I see why you took a detour there. :)

Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:15 pm
by millerd
My first Brown Argus of 2020 seen today just a short walk south of me on Staines Moor.
BA1 040520.JPG
BA2 040520.JPG
I was wading through Small Coppers to find this little chap - full report in my PD in due course.


Re: May 2020

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 10:22 pm
by Matsukaze
Chilcompton batch, Somerset, 4 May 2020. This tiny site - the top of a former coal tip - is the only semi-reliable site locally for Grizzled Skipper. There were three present today, as well as 12-15 Dingy Skippers. Really good numbers as I have only ever seen single individual Grizzled there before, and I don't think I have ever seen so many Dingy in such a small space before. The butterflies were whirring around and periodically disturbing each other, resulting in much spiralling and chasing.