Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)

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Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)

Post by Medard »

Nature often seems to provide little mysteries, at one of our favourite spots when my wife and I make our annual September sea food visit to Château d’Oléron  is the Point St Clement,Charente-Maritime, a convenient stop over before continuing to Château d’Oléron,on the l'ile d'Oléron
The Point St Clement overlooks the mud flats of the  National nature reserve of the baie de l'Aiguillon, a very important feeding ground for Shelduck and many other bird species, not to mention its importance as a  principal migration rout for numerous birds of passage.
When we first discovered the  baie de l'Aiguillon in 2013 I spotted a thriving colony of Adonis blues on this windswept promontory, this seems to me an example of the tenacity of nature, their home is a surprisingly small area on a bank were the Sea Holly (Eryngium) that they nectar on grows, they have been there every year in good numbers on our September visits , see photos, I have not been at this location to see the spring brood unfortunately, L'année prochaine peut-être, coronavirus permitting, but I am sure that the Adonis will be there as usual braving the Atlantic winds.
To see pictures of the Point St Clement and its bird life click on the link and start planning your trip for September.

Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus)
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