"Butterfly" Magazine. What to see this winter

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"Butterfly" Magazine. What to see this winter

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Autumn 2019, issue 132 Pages 4 and 5. What to see this winter by BC's Richard Fox and George Tordoff

In a future, I thought that these kind of images (pictures) needed to be more educational, rather than just pretty.
On page 4, there was a Brimstone perched on an ice frozen twig, almost as if, it was looking to nectar there, when an educating guess, might have been more about the butterfly in undisturbed hibernation camouflage.
Then there was a picture of an "open wings Peacock", that don't hibernate like that, unless disturbed (often to death).
And concluding the butterfly species pictures was the Purple Emperor caterpillar.
That was not an over-wintering third instar in hibernating camouflage (as was seen superbly on Neil Hulme's diary page this year), but a magnificent late Spring or early Summer, 5th instar (picture by Pete Eeles was inscribed in the corner of the photo), on what did not look to me like, a willow twig.
I thought that better educating people on how our United Kingdom butterfly species over-wintered, by better linking photo with text, would give more people who care (Butterfly magazine readers), a chance to better help the species in the future, if that was by leaving them alone or by habitat design and management.
I have not reproduced any of those pictures in Butterfly Magazine here, because of possible publication copyright.

Kind Regards
Kind Regards,
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