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Tree Grayling etc

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 6:32 pm
by Kip
In Southern Italy in September, I have encountered for my first time, the Tree Grayling... Yay!!! - It strikes me as being virtually indistinguishable from Freyer's Grayling, other than distribution, as some of the pics here seem to fit either species....
190909 H. statilinus_ Torca Italy_5308.jpg
190909 H. statilinus_ Torca Italy_5327.jpg
190909 H. statilinus_ Torca Italy_5350.jpg
Focus seems rubbish unless you click on each one :?

Re: Tree Grayling etc

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:29 pm
by Kip
I've now seen many of these, some pristine but many more missing chunks of wing, like the top photo above, but much worse... the shape of the chunks and the local fellow wall sitters suggests most are of Wall Lizard origin, but it doesn't seem they actually catch many!I have now enough material to maybe post a few more of the Calabrian locals on this thread in due course.