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Some difficult Blues from the Savoie region

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 1:03 pm
by Sylvie_h
I need some help with the identification of the following butterflies, photographed in the Savoie in end of May and early June. After many years of photographing Blues, I still find it difficult to differentiate between certain species...

The first 2 but could be SSB....Not the same specimen but same place.
I think the next ones are Idas Blues:
The next one I believe to be Adonis blue but could also be Common blues.... Both pictures are of the same specimen.
Finally this one which I think is a very pale Common blue specimen ….
Thanks a lot for your help with these.

Re: Some difficult Blues from the Savoie region

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:41 pm
by Padfield
Hi Sylvie. The first two are certainly silver-studded blues. The next female upperside looks like a silver-stud too - I don't know if the fourth picture is the same individual. Instinctively, I'd say silver-stud for the last two Plebejus pics as well, though it's very difficult to say without context. The dark forewing margin of male silver-stud is very variable. I wouldn't take my provisional opinion on these last three Plebejus in particular as anything more than an educated guess. But for what it's worth, I see them all as silver-studs.

Definitely adonis for that beautiful female Lysandra - form ceronus or similar. And I think that last one must be male common blue, even though it is such a pristine, silvery hue.


Re: Some difficult Blues from the Savoie region

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:38 pm
by Sylvie_h
Hi Guy,

Thank you for your help. This makes sense that they all are SSB. The female (pictures 3 and 4 ) are the same specimen and taken at the same site as specimens of pictures 1 and 2.
Thanks a lot again,
Kind regards,