Moth trap butterflies

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Moth trap butterflies

Post by Philzoid »

Apologies in advance if there are other posts which cover this subject but on the 26th of June at a moth trapping meet at Ashtead Common we had a Painted Lady in one of the Skinner traps. Like the moths this butterfly was drawn in by the 'tractor beam' of the MV light. On occasion it would escape but find it's way back in.
IMG_1710 Painted Lady, Ashtead Common t.jpg
IMG_1734 Painted Lady and Archips xyloosteana Variegated Golden Tortrix. Ashtead Common t.jpg
I have had found a Small white in my garden trap before but that is all. I wonder if this is a common event?

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Re: Moth trap butterflies

Post by Allan.W. »

One of the local(ish !) Moth trappers ,who runs a trap at Seabrook (Hythe,Kent ) ,a few days back caught a
White Letter Hairstreak in his trap . there are a few Elm Suckers along the canal (Royal military ) at the Seabrook end ,and some have been planted
along the canal in Hythe + there is an old original Elm as well ………………….must get down there and check the elms out ,for White Letters .
Regards Allan.W.
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Tony Moore
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Re: Moth trap butterflies

Post by Tony Moore »

I had a wren in mine one day, but I guess that doesn't really count :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ...

Tony M.
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Re: Moth trap butterflies

Post by Philzoid »

Easy pickings for the Wren :|

I moth trap in my garden (Woking) and have found a big drop in my takings (numbers and diversity) this year, thanks to a pair of Great Tits. As I do the count in the mornings (trap taken indoors) my normal procedure is to release them there and then after they have been counted, usually into overgrown potted plants or straight into the air if they are flying. The Great Tits know this and pick them off the fences, amongst the plants and even out of the air (e.g. chasing down Box tree moths).

These birds are very bold and even though I'm only a couple of feet away separated by a glass door, it doesn't deter them :shock: .

I assume they have young to feed somewhere but I'm concerned that I'm attracting the moths then handing them on a plate as it were, to feed the birds many taken before I even get to see them :( . Keeping the moths indoors to release the following night is one trick I use for the more 'valuable' species, but the majority have to take their chances, otherwise they end up all around the house (along with ladybirds, lacewings hemiptera and caddis bi-catch).

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Re: Moth trap butterflies

Post by JohnR »

If you put your trap back outside in a shady corner and cover it till Mr and Mrs Robin, their relatives the Tit family, and sundry other feathered friends have gone to bed, then take the cover off. More moths survive, though the odd spider can get a feast.
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