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Automatic login not working

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:05 pm
by Adrian Hoskins
Hi Pete

:? I've tried ticking the "log in automatically each visit" dialog but it doesn't work. I always end up having to log in manually. Not a real pain, but thought you'd like to know. Is this bug affecting everyone, or is it peculiar to my configuration ?

Adrian Hoskins

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:26 pm
by Pete Eeles
It's not working. Don't know why. I'll take a look sometime.

Thanks Adrian.


- Pete

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:22 pm
by Guest
(I'm posting this as a Guest, my user name being Karl)

I too have experienced logging in problems. In fact I haven't managed to log in for weeks now. I've cleared cookies etc and still no luck.

Could it be I use the same username on a few of this phpBB style forum lists perhaps?

I'll keep trying but just thought I'd bring it to notice.



Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:29 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Karl,

I'm really not sure what's going on :(

The UK Butterflies forum isn't connected in any way with any other forums, so the reuse of your username shouldn't be a problem.

The only thing that has become a necessity over the last month or so is that I've had to "ban" certain users and IP addresses, since their registrations and posts are inappropriate, unless your interest is either gambling or "you know what" :)

However, the IP address that you sent your post from (I thought I may have made a mistake in adding IP addresses to the "banned" list) isn't among them, so you should be able to log in without any problem.

So ... if you could let me know the specific error that occurs (bad username, bas password etc.), and if others could let me know if they're also having problems (just reply to this post as a Guest), I'd appreciate it.

And thanks for your patience Karl!


- Pete

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:53 pm
by Guest
Thanks for the prompt reply.

I'm not getting ANY error messages at all. When I enter my user name and password I get entry to the forum but I appear as not logged in.

I'll come back in a while, I'm going to try a few other options.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:08 pm
by Karl
Aha!!! I'm getting somewhere now.

I'm back this time using Internet Explorer 6 and have successfully logged in with my username.

It looks like my Firefox browser could be the issue, although I have no problems on other phpBB forums with Firefox. Are there any other Firefox users having log in problems too?

I can also add that I've now cleared both IE6's and Firefox's cache, forms, cookies etc.

Hopefully I'll be back again in a couple of minutes using my preferred Firefox browser.

Many thanks again for your help and patience. :oops:


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:19 pm
by Guest
Karl wrote:Hopefully I'll be back again in a couple of minutes using my preferred Firefox browser.
:cry: Arghhh! Using Firefox here again and no luck.

I can't think of anything else. It's not a major problem really, it just makes it harder to find the new posts etc. Perhaps I'll just have to go back to IE6 for browsing.

If I can be of any more help feel free to ask, or if anyone can help me the I'd be interested.



Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:28 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Karl.

Searching the web, it would appear that this is a "known" problem that is discussed on both PHPBB boards, and Firefox boards. Unfortunately, I can't find anything conclusive, although there are suggestions that upgrading to the latest version of Firefox might help.


- Pete

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:39 pm
by Karl
:D Getting closer now. I've just deleted ALL cookies for the phpBB forums I'm subscribed to and I'm finally logged in using Firefox. Phew!

I hadn't thought of searching for known problems so thanks for the tip. At least we now know it's not us, or me, so to speak. I'm also using the latest version of Firefox.

I'm going to go back now to my other phpBB sites and see if I'm able to log in there. I'll update you in a while.



Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:52 pm
by Pete Eeles
You must really like the UK Butterflies forum :)

Thanks for your perseverance Karl. A number of the discussions I've found suggest that Firefox tries to be clever with how it stores usernames and passwords, and looks at the HTML tags being used in the web page to automatically retrieve the password information (from a cookie) if there is a field names "password" (which there is).

But I'm wondering if the way it stores this is "keyed" by some kind of unique identifier, and where it gets the unique identifier from (if it's not the URL).

And other suggestions include workarounds for Firefox in PhpBB.



- Pete

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:08 pm
by Karl
I've just been to visit three other phpBB sites I regularly use and all seems hunky dory at the moment. Touch wood!!

I think clearing the cookies and saved passwords from ALL my phpBB sites cured the fault. I also have the same username AND password for these sites so perhaps that doesn't aid Firefox when it's looking for info.

So all's I need now is a BUTTERLY this year and I'll be happy!!

Many thanks and keep up the good work.


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:12 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Karl.

You'll be pleased to hear that I'm responding from the Firefox browser that I've just installed :)

And now added to my list of browsers used for testing UK Butterflies :)


- Pete

Re: Automatic login not working

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:53 pm
by Pete Eeles
Adrian Hoskins wrote:Hi Pete

:? I've tried ticking the "log in automatically each visit" dialog but it doesn't work. I always end up having to log in manually. Not a real pain, but thought you'd like to know. Is this bug affecting everyone, or is it peculiar to my configuration ?

Adrian Hoskins
This is now, hopefully, fixed. It only took me 9 months :)

In order for the fix to take effect, existing users will have to clear their cookie cache first. In Internet Explorer, select "Tools" then "Internet Options...". The click the "Delete Cookies ..." button. Other browsers will have a similar function. I know this is an inconvenience, but there's no way around it I'm afraid.


- Pete