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Insect identifications

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 6:11 pm
by Andrew555
If anyone can identify any of these I'd be very interested to know what they are. :)

A really big fly that neither of us had seen before. Spotted by John W in Tugley Wood near Chiddingfold while looking for Wood Whites on Saturday.
As I was posting the above anyway, I thought I might as well add some more from my 'unidentified' folder.

This beetle gave me quite a start when it buzzed past my ear before landing. :D From Exmoor, June 2017.
Very odd looking! Denge Wood in Kent, May 2018.
Seen at Chapel Common in Sussex, June 2018.
Thanks in advance. :)

Re: Insect identifications

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 6:50 pm
by Allan.W.
Hello Andrew ,
I,m no expert but I,ll have a go ! the top shot is a Sawfly species (pretty sure !) ,and the last is a Robberfly sp;(I think !) but which one I don,t know ! the second ,I have found myself and the weird Cicada looking one with the flat head I,ve also seen before ,I,m sure someone on here will know for sure what they are .
I think you may have been at Denge on the same afternoon as us ,you didn,t pass the time of day with a bespeckled balding ,gent by any chance ?
Regards Allan.W.

Re: Insect identifications

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 6:55 pm
by Allan.W.
Hello Again Andrew ,
the flat headed job is a treehopper ,apparently one of only two species found in the Uk . Membracidae.(I think !)

Re: Insect identifications

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 7:38 am
by Andrew555
Allan, thank you sir! :D Based on your id's we now have :

1. Birch Sawfly
2. Black-spotted Longhorn Beetle
3. Treehopper (Centrotus cornutus)
4. Common Awl Robberfly

Yes I was at Denge Wood that day, green cap and hoodie. I was with Essex Buzzard, we arrived at the parking area almost together by chance.
I saw you at Bonsai Bank but we didn't speak. Didn't know till later you were UKB Allan, when Mark mentioned it. I hope to see you again sometime and introduce myself. :D


Re: Insect identifications

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 4:26 am
by aeshna5
2 is the longhorn beetle, Rhagium mordax.

Re: Insect identifications

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 9:09 pm
by Andrew555
Aeshna5, thank you. :D